Unvacinated friend, what do i do?

My best friend is unvaccinated and they mention about going to an event and stuff. Are they bad person? what should i do? should i be mad or upset? :frowning:


Hey there,

I wouldn’t say your friend is a bad person for not being vaccinated, because there are other things they can do to protect themselves and others. They can still wear a mask and not go out if they are feeling sick. Sometimes we have to accept that other people have different beliefs and that includes if they want to get vaccinated or not. As much as you want them to, you can’t force your friend to get vaccinated, however you can express to them that you think they should be vaccinated and if they don’t want to do so then that is their choice.

Hope this helps,


My problem isnt that they are not vaccinated, they told me they are a bit anxious of doing it which I understand. My problem is they are going out to events unvaccinated and could possibly be infecting or helping spread infection to other people.

Last year I had a lot of hate to the lockdown breakers who put others at risk for their own personal gain, so now im scared if he is doing the same thing and idk how to feel about or confront this situation. :frowning:

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Hmm ,tough one!!! It’s right that you respect their choice no to be vaccinated.
I think something I would think about to help me decide what to do is …why aren’t they getting the vaccination and how the respect themselves and others as far as do they practice social distancing, are they going to places where there’s a lot of people, are they drinking out of other’s glasses, you know …the type of stuff we’ve been learning about especially since covid.
But no matter what,…in the end it’s important that you keep yourself safe.
Good luck. :slight_smile:

I’m not vaccinated there’s a lot of beliefs I guess that others have out there but I can’t get vaccinated because of lung issues,

Plus I wouldn’t get it either way because I do believe there is a political agenda behind it, I know a lot of people that take the vaccine and have past away because their body couldn’t produce the antibodies to fight of the virus.



I’m sorry to hear that. I know some don’t want to get vaccinated because of health problems. I feel bad for the ones going to events getting blasted by others who are hypocrites. If Covid is a serious problem, corporate businesses should be close too. Not just small businesses. If 100,000 people want to go out protest against racism, knowing they are risking their lives, why can’t event goers? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m proud of the Los Angeles Punk scene rebelling against government’s tyranny and fighting for freedom. I hope you are staying safe and thank you for sharing. Joy be with you.

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My problem isnt that they are not vaccinated, they told me they are a bit anxious of doing it which I understand. My problem is they are going out to events unvaccinated and could possibly be infecting or helping spread infection to other people.

If this is your concern, then you should know that being vaccinated doesn’t prevent someone to spread covid to others. It protects the person who’s vaccinated to a certain point, though we can still transmit the infection to others. That’s why we need to keep wearing masks and respect social distancing, whether we are vaccinated or not. If your friend respects that, then he’ll be respecting others safety too.

All in all, right now going to events of that type is a personal choice and forces each individual to ask themselves if it is ethical or not. There’s really no right or wrong answer as we’ve been all affected by lockdowns too, and there’s pros/cons on each side of the balance. In the end, we cannot agree with everyone’s decision, but thankfully that doesn’t make someone a bad person. <3


All you can do it talk to your friend and let them know how you feel. Make sure they have all the facts and it’s ultimately up to them and if they choose not to. However wrong you (I’m on your side) think it is.

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Well honestly I wouldn’t get it either there have been evidence supporting a lot of things about the vaccinations, I dont trust the vaccines and well my area got hit hard and I’ve never had gotten I guess infected its honestly a miracle I’ve been tested 7 times already being around infected people and nothing came up positive. But the evidence on live TV a woman acted like she was getting the vaccine there was nothing in the syringe. She jumped up like she had taken the vaccine as well as if it was so serious. Why is congress exempt from it all people should be vaccinated if this was such a serious matter. People are getting sick yes this is a pandemic yes but I also know other countries have used this issues for a political agenda. (Sorry with politics and everything else this has me scared)
I’ve tried to get the vaccine but because of the lung collasped issues doctors said I couldn’t take it and basically said well good luck in the pandemic.

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