Using music to cope

Today is my day 7 “sober” and although I may need to relapse a tiny bit to work tomorrow, and I’m scared of Winter coming and a lot of things… I feel I’ve made some progress…

Music is literally the only thing some of us have to soothe and it literally releases dopamine especially us ADHD folks who never get properly diagnosed or ignored… Music ALWAYS helps, its just a fact.
Music also drowns out thoughts. Music is magic it changes our frequency. It was my first learned coping mechanism that’s probably true for a lot of us. Good luck in the harsh, ugly, and beautiful world today all…


Hey there, @shanruby726 :star2:

I want to start by saying congratulations on reaching your 1 week “sober” journey!! This is an absolutely fantastic achievement and I am so proud of you, I hope you’re proud of yourself too. You’ve made so much progress already. I wanted to remind you that recovery isn’t linear. Relapses will no doubt happen, but if you continue to want to move toward, you’ll be able to deal with them.

I am hearing your concerns about work and the upcoming winter season; both of which are difficult to navigate. However, I know that you have the strength to take them on head first. I relate to what you said about music so much. It is indeed a magical thing and it can speak volumes which we never could.

Music is very “feel good” and for me it’s a lifeline during tough times. There is nothing more therapeutic than turning up your favourite song and screaming the lyrics to release the dopamine as you rightly said. Music changes our frequency so much. It’s a great way to channel our emotions and find peace within.

You are not alone, and you have the entire HeartSupport community to lean on should things get heavy again. I wish you all the best as you continued walking in your path! :green_heart:

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@EvilGenius Thanks man :slight_smile: and thank you for validating me, Im finding that is helping me a lot just knowing someone is listening and hearing me :sparkles: :two_hearts: I will be able to go to my job tomorrow which is an amazing accomplishment for me as well^__^ :dizzy: :sparkles: :sunflower:

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