Volunteer Opportunities: Become A Mentor!

Volunteering opportunity: Mentor in BTS Mentorship Program

Our mental health mentorship program matches mentors with individuals who are struggling with their mental health. Mentors provide support and encouragement, and they help mentees to become self-sufficient in handling their mental health.

→ We are currently opening our recruitment to 50 new volunteer mentors.

Become a BTS Mentor to :

  • Meet weekly with someone for a year to support their mental health.
  • Be there for them through the struggles they face.
  • Deeply care for and encourage them.

Your role

  • Carry burdens with your mentee.
    Listen and care about their ups and downs.

  • Share your story authentically.
    Your struggles and victories can inspire your mentee.

  • Be a safe person for them.
    Refrain from judgment, believe in them, and keep their story confidential.

  • You don’t need to have it figured out.
    We don’t have to have answers. Most people want to be loved and know they’re not alone.



Time Commitment

Estimated 1hr to 2hrs a week.


  • Complete a training (one time, ~3hrs).
  • 1 weekly meeting with your Mentee (typically 1 hour).
  • Any other text or live communication with your Mentee outside of meetings and with your Match Ambassador.


  • 1 monthly training session (1 hour, optional but recommended).


You’ll complete a training as being a part of your onboarding. Our training is based four evidence-based practices that will ensure you can be impactful in your role.

The mental health professional on our Board of Directors, Dr. Michelle Saari, also offers monthly trainings to deepen your support skills and give you a chance to ask questions and continually grow.

Support Team

You will not be alone in your volunteering. Our team is dedicated to support you and your Mentee. You’ll be both connected with a Match Ambassador who will walk alongside you and support you throughout the year.

→ APPLY HERE to become a mentor!

Learn more about BTS