Warped Tour Fan #115

I hav depression and anxiety and my boyfriend does too and he’s suicidal and I don’t know how to help him… nothing I say works. It’s taking a huge toll on our relationship and me. I say we’ll get through it but he says there’s always something bad that will happen.

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Hey friend first I want to say i freaking love you. I want to say that HS has tools to help not just you but you boyfriend also. FREE! One is called Rewrite and the other is Dwarf Planet. Know that you both do not have to go throught this alone okay. We at HS want to help you and please let us know. It sucks that you always feel that something bad is always going to happen but know you are not alone.

Love you

Hold Fast
Morgan HS Intern

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We are here for you. Like Morgan said, Heart Support has resources that can help. Check em’ out! Keep reaching out. You aren’t alone!

My husband knows this feeling all too well. He has had to deal with watching me struggle my suicidal thoughts. He has helped me by just listening to me and trying his best to comfort me. It’s a lot of work, but you guys will get through it! It’s worth it. You are both worth it!

I don’t have depression or anxiety myself, but do have some very close loved ones that do and there are times when…you really won’t know what to say. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there and try to comfort them nonverbally. Watch their favorite movie with them. Listen to their favorite music with them. Seek out surrounding them with things they love, including yourself! Be there, don’t give up, and never forget that their mental illness is not their fault. Remind him of that. If you only focus on the bad, the bad will seem more abundant in your life. Also never forget that there ARE people out there that love BOTH of you. HS, as mentioned, has amazing resources and a community of people who really do just…get it. We’ve all had or know people close to us who have had earth-shattered depression, unrelenting anxiety, and so many more chemical miswirings that have made us feel unworthy of existence and like we are all alone.
Hang in there, lovelies! Your existence shines brighter and means so much more than you could ever know!

No matter how lost you or your boyfriend may feel, y’all are NEVER alone :yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

Much love and godspeed,

My friend, I don’t know you, but from what you are saying it sounds like you are in a really toxic relationship. Sometimes when we are struggling we try to save other people before we save ourselves. That is so dangerous. It’s like saving someone from a sinking boat, having them come into our boat and realizing that we have a hole in our own boat and we are sinking too. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t help your boyfriend. What I am saying is that maybe you aren’t in the right mental place to help him. I encourage you to reach out and seek help. There is help out there for you! There is hope for you. You can’t save him, but you can save yourself and you can encourage him to seek help too. Your health and happiness are so so important. Take care of yourself.
You are loved, you are enough.

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First I encourage both of you too seek help from a therapist. I think that your boyfriend is taking a toll on your mentally and that isnt the best. I would also say if you havent perhaps find some supports like here that you and your boyfriend can both get people to surround you and help with the feelings you each are having. I know this sounds harsh but dont put yourself in the shoes of having to be his rescuer it is going to just be harder on you. When we are empty we cant always fill up someone elses cup. I like to think of this as a cup of tea once it is gone there is nothing to share so it is important that you make sure you own mental health is good. I know that is easy to type but may not be fully possible but I know that loving others is so hard and finding out they are struggling makes you want to help. I am going to say this I have been there and done that. Just know that you are not alone and that people will help. Dont fight the battle alone.

Hold fast


I’m sorry you are struggling with your boyfriend. I don’t have anything to lift you up because I am not in a relationship. I’m glad you are sharing your struggles. You needed to vent. This community loves you.