Warped Tour Fan #92

Self harm and depression. And I don’t know how to deal with anxiety

Hello and thank you for your message.
I can relate to anxiety and depression. It is a painful experience…
One thing that has been helpful for me is to notice the little things that I am grateful for. The relationships, the smiles that people randomly share with me during the day.
I also reach out to people whom I love and respect. It is a refuge when I am feeling down.
So glad you posted on this wall. Know that many are thinking of you and we support your healing and freedom from anxiety, depression and self harm. Blessings and peace for you.

I’m sorry this is happening to you. You are loved and this is a safe community. If you need someone to talk to dont be afraid to reach out. I know from past experiences that self harm is from a deeper pain, and that you harm yourself because you feel like you deserve it but I’m here to tell you you dont. You deserve support and encouragement. You were made perfectly and with a purpose.

Hey there! Right off the bat, just a reminder that you are not alone in this. The HeartSupport community is here for you and we will always help you :blush: I personally struggle with anxiety and I know it can feel even worse to try and deal with it- sometimes the panic feels better because it’s familiar, but trust me it’s not. Try to acknowledge that you are feeling an emotion, no judgement of yourself, no “ugh this is stupid and doesn’t even work”. Then once you have accepted that you are feeling an emotion, try and talk yourself through it. Maybe there’s a cause, maybe not, but if you take a deep breath, center yourself and acknowledge that you are a beautiful, living, breathing human being it will help. Good luck, and remember there are humans (possibly animals too!) out here that love you and are excited to see you grow and heal :heart:

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I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. I am also still struggling with depression and anxiety and it’s difficult, but all I know is that you gotta keep moving forward through it all. You are never alone in this. You are loved. We are here for you.

Learning how to live with anxiety takes time. It also takes a lot of work. It can be exhausting and feel impossible sometimes, but I promise you that it is possible. Dealing with anxiety looks different for everyone. For some, it’s making sure they tell their friends and family when their anxiety is really bad. For others, it’s seeing a therapist who can give them the tools they need when their anxiety is really bad. And still, others might do something completely different. What I am trying to say is that there is no one right way to deal with anxiety, depression, and self harm, however, don’t isolate yourself. Tell someone you trust what you are going through. Reach out for help. If you need someone to turn to you can always come back here and talk to us. Hold fast. We believe in you.