Waving Goodbye to Your Inner Critic - Positivity

Here’s a little positivity for you this afternoon!

Saying goodbye to your inner critic involves a true commitment to self-reflection and improvement. It suggests that all this self-doubt and hatred is absolutely unwanted and unnecessary. There’s this voice that is the main tool in holding us back and strips our confidence away bit by bit. We all need to learn how to dismiss these negative thoughts and learn how they and other negative thoughts hinder our path to.

Self Compassion is the treatment you would give to a friend going through a tough time being exactly the same treatment you should give yourself. It’s also about understanding that none of us are perfect. We all have our own individual flaws/weaknesses. It’s also about understanding that suffering and pain is a natural part of human existence. This means that instead of feeling unique and like you are the only one going through a tough time, recognise that others are also struggling.

However, being kind to ourselves is not enough. We must also show this kindness to others. How we feel on the inside does make a difference to how we interact with those around us.

I hope this inspires some of you!

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From melliemunster: <:hrtlegolove:387371584857571328>