We often think that being negative to ourselves pr

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Belongs to: Therapist scared to react to Slipknot - Psychosocial
“We often think that being negative to ourselves protects us from criticism. Because if we say hurtful things to ourselves than no one else can hurt us”.

Well shit. Call me out why don’t you. Now I’ve got a LOT to think about… goddamnit.

Hey Friend, Thank you for posting. I admit I am a life long offender of self critisism in the hope that I will get all the insults in before anyone else has the chance, however what we do not think about is maybe if we stood back and said nothing, maybe nothing would be said at all. Maybe those people had no intention of hurting us. In fact, a thought for today… what if we were just kind to ourselves and it encouraged kindness in others? you are loved. x

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I’m out there with you. Still trying to learn to be kind to myself like I am to other people.
I hope you also will be kind to yourself. Your precious heart deserves it. I’m really glad you posted on HeartSupport.

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