What is happening to me (venting)

I need help. Idk what’s wrong with me but it’s getting worse. I’m trying so hard not to hurt myself anymore but the urges are getting so bad.
But I don’t understand, my life is not bad enough to justify feeling like this.
I just hate, hate, hate myself so much, I’m so selfish and worthless, so pathetically worthless.
Starting to cry writing this. I can’t handle my own mind anymore. It’s too much. Way too much.
They won’t shut up…
I don’t know why im even posting this here.
I’m not accomplishing anything other than making more people worry about stupid little me. You shouldn’t care about me regardless. Did I have a point to make? Idk, can’t remember. I’m so tired.


Hey there Kaya,

Thank you for reaching out to us here at HS. We appreciate you for being open and honest with us. Please don’t blame yourself for feeling this way. Life and emotions can be so complicated and weird. Even cruel. But you are important. Your loved one care about you. We care about you. Please do your best to stay strong. You will get through this. I believe in you. Please hold on.

<3 Blake

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hey kaya,

welcome to the forum and thank you for your vulnerability on how your mental health is doing. you are seen and understood here. i’m so thankful you could lean on this community to vent. most of us here have been in similar shoes with those same negative thoughts about ourselves. it’s a tough battle to face when that self-hate takes up all your thoughts and energy. and sometimes it takes someone outside of the storm in your mind to remind you of the infinite worth you hold. we have the ability to make this world a kinder and more understanding place in even the smallest ways. your hands, your beating heart, your mind who deserves love and can love is capable of so many things. i believe in you to overcome these negative thoughts and lean on your loved ones for reminders of your worth and how loved you are. i know you can make it to a brighter tomorrow.


Hi Kaya, Welcome!

You are not worthless and are loved by so many; do not fall prey to those negative thoughts. Do not worry about making more people worry about you because I am sure your support system wants to be there for you and help you through this. Try your best to accept the help they offer because your support system knows you best and knows how to try to help you. We also want to help you through this and are here for you. Feel free to make as many posts as you want ranting about life. We will help you get through this. Stay strong and keep fighting.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hey Kaya,

Try not to blame yourself for experiencing emotions. It is a normal part of the human experience. Even though some might struggle with emotions more than others, at the end of the day it’s part of being human. Please remember you are important and worth it.


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Thank you for being vulnerable and opening up here. We are here for you and to support you through hard times and we care deeply about you
You can post here even without a point to make, this is a place to get help so please reach out whenever
You are not worthless and please reach out for help when you need it
You are strong and you are not a burden or a worry for your loved ones and you are going to get through this <3

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I’m proud of you for posting here, especially during a time when your mind has been particularly unkind to you. It’s hard to push those thoughts aside, even just a little bit, in order to share what’s on our heart, to disclose these vulnerable parts of our selves. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being here.

Sometimes it’s hard to understand what’s the reason(s) behind the way we feel, which feeds the worst thoughts we can have about ourselves… “I’m too broken”, “Something is wrong with me”, “I’m too much”, "I can’t deal with this anymore. I hear how overwhelming it’s been for you to compose with these thoughts - understandably so. It’s exhausting when your own mind seems to be turning into your worst enemy.

I hope venting helped bringing a little bit of relief at the time. At least, to know that you are not alone, friend. That your pain is heard, that YOU are seen, and that you are valued right here and right now. I believe in you.