What is my life man

From alex07xd.: its so yummy when yourmommy gaslights the whole family into thinking your the problem. So much so when you try to kill your self and explain to them how you just feel numb and like you have no energy your brother who you thought you could trust says that your in your room to much and your using it as a cruch even though hes in his room more than you so you just have to go through the side effects of almost oding by yourself than go to school. And i mean its clear he only wants whats best for me but hes so brain washed it hurts


Hello Alex07xd

Thanks for sharing what you are going through. I’m not sure the full context of everything you are going through, but if you are expressing how you feel and it is not being heard. That’s never a fun thing to experience. If you are telling your family about your suicidal ideology and attempts and they are not doing anything to try to support you. I think you should begin to look for somewhere where you can be heard. I’m not sure if there are any counselors or people at your school who you could try to talk to, or social services of any kind. But you definitely deserve to have your feelings acknowledged somewhere. I guess some of the context that is missing is, your family might not be listening, but what are the specifics of what is causing you to feel badly to begin with?

Hello alex07xd,

Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing. I’m truly sorry to hear about all that you have been going through. It can be so hard when we feel as though our family members are not exactly on our side or are not providing us with the support and understanding that we need. I can imagine how much pain you must have been in to make a decision to try and take your life, and then how hurtful it must have been when your explanation and attempt at opening up regarding how you feel was shut down by your family members.

I hope that there can be some understanding between you and your brother, that he will come to understand you more and your relationship together can be repaired. I can tell you care for him by how his recent behaviour hurts you. I also hope that you are able to find healthy ways where you can talk about what you are going through in safe place with someone that can listen and provide you with the help and support that you need. :white_heart:

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Yea… it must be really painful to be at home with your family, yet to feel like you are constantly enstranged from it. As if you had done something wrong, while what you describe is that you are in pain and you wished someone could see it and understand you. It’s painful when the very first people you share your life with, family, don’t feel as much as being part of your own support system. Because they don’t understand what you’re going through, and sometimes because it feels like they don’t want to understand. It hurts to feel like people are manipulating others to paint this picture of you that doesnt reflect who you are and doesn’t reflect your intentions. It’s like your right to speak for yourself gets taken away and you can’t combat anymore how others may perceive you. I understand your frustrating and hear your pain here. If anything, rest assured that right here you are seen and you are not judged, especially not for struggling or going through a rough time. You are allowed to be human. :heart: