When i listen to this song my rage is the king the

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hail To the King by Avenged Sevenfold
When I listen to this song, my rage is the king!
The inner beast rules over me!!

I have so much pent up rage from my life just falling apart!
I ended up physically broken and disabled.
I lost my life, my career, my hobbies and my marriage due to my injuries. My two closest friends passed away, one killed by the police the other from their own grief and I couldn’t help and had to walk away and all the rage from all of that and more has been building up with no release or end!


I hear what you’re saying! Our day-to-day lives are so much better when we can keep a positive attitude, but that’s so overwhelming when it feels like things are just building up and up against us.

We want to be able to have control over our lives, but that feels impossible sometimes. Something that helps me is finding small things that I CAN control and focusing on that. Just this week I was starting to feel overwhelmed at work by various things, so I took like 5 minutes and went for a walk outside. I focused on the things I could control about the walk. I can’t control the weather, unfortunately :slight_smile: , but that was fine. I could control how long I walked. I could control where I walked. I could control the pace. Etc. Hope this helps, even just a little!

Those positive things can add up too!

Rage can make us feel so out of control, powerless, and all consumed by the feeling. It sounds like it has taken everything from you and that you are not sure how to contain it and deal with it. I can tell that part of it is grief since you speak of your two closest friends passing away from what sounds like very traumatic deaths. Perhaps the anger, the rage could be stemming from complex emotions that you haven’t had the space to figure out yet. What sort of coping mechanisms did you have before all the rage set in? Do you have a support system in place now that your closests friends have passed? I worry that the rage may consume you completely and I will hope that you find a way to put the fire out. Know that we are all here if you should need us.