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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
When I was younger try to get help and express how I felt and the therapist wouldn’t listen. You are an angry person. That’s why I’m here. After that never went back.
I can’t imagine the frustration you must feel! You finally build up the courage to open yourself up, seek some help, try and talk about the dark things going on in your life, only to be shut down. It’s like you’re holding your hand out, begging for someone to pull you out of this hole you are in, and there is a person standing outside of the hole with a ladder who bats your hand away. The help you thought you would receive turns its head and leaves you stuck, to deal with your issues by yourself. You must have been thinking- “yes I am angry, help me know why!” I’m so sorry that this is the situation you’ve found yourself in, and it is horrible that a therapist would write you off like that.
That interaction you faced is unacceptable, and. would like to emphasize that your therapist failed you in that moment. Therapy is a wonderful thing and so many therapists truly care deeply about their clients and their well-being. I’m so sorry that your first therapy experience was a bad one. I would encourage you, if you feel comfortable, to look into seeking help from another therapist. I bet you can find someone who can truly show you the care that you do need. When I attended therapy, it helped me organize my thoughts, learn about myself, and put together a situation that in my head felt broken. Therapy can be amazing and I encourage you to reach out again. That takes courage and strength, but I know that you have those traits in abundance, simply because you opened up here!
Regardless of what that therapist may have said- you matter so much. You don’t have to be angry. Your life has purpose and you are here for a reason. No one can be the wonderful person that you are- you are irreplaceable and so wonderfully unique. You are loved more than you know. Thank you so much for opening up. We are always here for you if you need us. Holdfast- we believe in you.
I’m so sorry you experienced that! Taking a step to get help is big and to open up only to feel unheard is a frustrating experience. It can make it difficult to trust anyone again so we hesitate to reach out for fear of being dismissed. It seems pointless and too risky. Finding a new therapist can be daunting and tiring, but once you find the right one it can be life changing. I am so glad you are here though! You deserve to tell your story and to be heard. This is a safe place and we want to help and encourage you. You are not alone and you deserve to heal. I’ll be praying that you find a therapist who listens to you fully and that you trust. I’m rooting for you!
I am so sorry to hear that a health professional didn’t hear you out. After all, that’s what they’re for, to listen and support. For them to not give you the help you need and by doing that make you lose your hope in health professionals feels so hopeless. A person who is supposed to be there to help you not listening. It’s like finding an oasis in the desert to just realize its a mirage. The disappointment would feel so much greater after increasing anticipation. You thought were were going to have some water to quench your thirst and then the water evaporated. Even still, you are reaching out for help here. And that is no small thing. To still be seeking aid even after your therapist let you down shows your strength and tenacity. Dealing with anger issues is a hard battle to fight and getting to the bottom of them is tough. Stay strong through this journey.
You don’t have to stay in the disappointment of that therapist’s unprofessionalism. There is help out there for you-- someone will listen, aid, and help in the way they should. It might take some time to find the right therapist or person to help you, but there IS help out there. Please dont give up looking for the support you need. In the meantime, we are here to support you every step of the way!
Thank each and everyone of you. I appreciate the feed back. I’ve been trying to get the help but it just seems like I’m a broken record. I really don’t know how to explain it. My doctor told me after explaining to her about my feelings that my defense mechanism is to shut down and to build a wall. She was right!! I’ve lived my whole life like that and it sucks. Thank God there are folks like you out there that care and willing to help others. God bless you all for what you do.
Those walls are ao easy to build up, but here you are tearing them down! I am so happy that we could encourage you in any way!
It’s a journey towards rebuilding that secure attachment, almost like reparenting yourself, but slow and steady by realizing your triggers and your defense mechanisms, you will heal.
I pray that you find that healing, hope, and help. God bless you too!