When my brother died i saw so much heartbreak arou

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Cemetery Gates by Pantera
When my brother died. I saw so much heartbreak around me I did what I always do. Bottle my emotions and try and be the healer. I felt an obligation to tend to the hearts of everyone else and forgot about mine. Purposefully, of course. I was avoiding my own trauma because the day I found out, my whole world came collapsing before my eyes. I was definitely the closest to him, we played toys together as children.

I should’ve felt more then for sure. I was in no place to be the “strong” one. Nobody was, even the person I looked up to the most my Grandpa was in tears. The only time in my life where I saw my dad and grandfather completely broken. Funny thing is, my brother RIP introduced me to Pantera and so much music that I still love today.

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Dear friend. You did what you could with the means that you had at the time. As a fellow “healer” - or someone who desperately tries to attend to the needs of offer sduring times of personal crisis and turmoil, I feel this with you. Here’s a voice reply for you: Understanding Grief and Healing | Loom

Hold Fast <3