Why does nobody listen to me

From theendermanfan5: All I do is get harassed at school everyday and that concerns nobody nor would I care to do anything about since nobody is even concerned about me being in a severe mental state that I suffered through for now almost 3 years. The Crisis Text Line sent the police to may house back in Janurary just to traumatize and make me feel like I’m being terrorized. Not even my own physicist is concerned about me even when I got a full 27 on a depression test three times. My mother gives no s**ts about me either because she thinks I’m just overreacting. At this point, this is and will be my life forever. Nobody will ever be concerned about me and not even anyone in this server is concerned about me either.

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From theendermanfan5: Why is nobody concerned about me after all I’ve suffered through

Hi @HeartSupport_Server,

Thanks for expressing your concern! You mentioned about getting harassed at school everyday. Did you ever discuss with a school staff? I used to work in public school for many years. As a school staff, I always told my students to let me know if someone is bullying you. Just let me know and I will talk with the bully to stop being mean to other students. No one deserved to be bully in school. It’s hard for me to know if my student is suffering with mental health issues. There is no shame discussing me with mental health issues. I have ton of things I got to complete for my job but I always try my best to meet the needs of my students.

I used to ask for the Crisis Text Line and it really depends on the person that you communicate with. They did saved my life for many years. That’s totally strange for Crisis Text Line to contact the police without your permission. I would have been scared in your situation. People underestimate trauma because even if you are heal from the past. That specific memory will always be there in your mind. Take your time to heal from trauma by talking with school counselor or therapist. If you aren’t comfortable with those two options, Do you have any close friends or other family members that might listen when you discuss about trauma? You choose on whatever makes you comfortable. The last option is to talk with HeartSupport and me. I went through a lot with mental health issues such as trauma so I might try my best to help you.

Everyone has a different experience with psychiatrist. Some psychiatrist are mean or nice. It took me 2-3 years to found the perfect psychiatrist. Your psychiatrist sounds unprofessional on what you told me. A psychiatrist should at least help treat with depression. Depression is one of the hardest battle that anyone needs to face because it impacts your lifestyle. I have been there for myself with depression. Oh boy, it took many 7 years to overcome my depression. Your mom is not a good parent for not helping a child who is suffering with depression.

You aren’t alone suffering with mental health issues. I’m here to support through your life when something is difficult. I’m super concern about your mental health. Let me know if you need any help from me.

From theendermanfan5: I have nobody to help me

I have an abusive mother, school counsellor that never helped in any way from when I filed sexual harassment reports nor did law enforcement give a s**t either, the Crisis Text Line that wanted to terrorize me, my own psychiatrist isn’t that concerned about me scoring a full 27 on a depression test three times

What is it going to take for someone to help me because at this point, running away is my only option even if it means that I’m giving up my life

Do you have anyone that you are closed to live or stay with them for a while? It can be a neighbor or friend or cousin that knows you really well. It sounds like you lived in a harsh environment. Don’t give up in your life. I will support on what decision that you will make.

Running away from home can be dangerous if you don’t have a safe place to go. Also, you might need money to survive. Do you have enough money to run away? I’m just super concern on your decision.

You don’t have to do this if you aren’t comfortable with the choices that I gave you. What are things that you can do distract your mental health issues? It can listening music or cleaning the house or reading a book. Do you go to work? Going to work might help you don’t think about your severe mental state. This is what I do if I was in your situation. When you graduated high school, if you have saved a lot money from work. You might be able to escape the toxic environment where you currently lived in. Just for now, avoid talking to your mom at home because she is making your mental health issues worse.

From theendermanfan5: I can’t even get a job nor do I want to get a job although I am broke and because my severe social anxiety and undiagnosed dyslexia would make my job impossible and I would be fired the first millisecond. I don’t even understand why I was ever born to begin with, when this is what I have to suffer through everyday for no apparent reason, making me believe that living is a curse. Getting help is what I call the worst mistake yet. Even if I tell someone what’s been happening, I’m just spoiling their life and they have to remember all the trauama I’ve been through when I don’t deserve any help at all for existing.

From theendermanfan5: And I always feel like being in a support group will make everyone put a death wish against me.

From theendermanfan5: I’m almost in high school and because of my unfixable mental disorders, all I can think about is going through four years of having no friends and never being able to make new ones, and fearing getting jumped everyday. I have no other choice but to go to a high school were crimes happen a lot there, which makes me have relapsing thoughts of me being the next victim of ||m–der|| or being ||st-bbed to d–th against my will|| although I’m broke and I’m Hispanic. I don’t know if I should accept the hell I’m about to go through or say my prayers now.