Why life

From alex07xd.: Would you still love me if I was I a depressive episode

They say they will but they never know the extent they can go to. I’ve been in such a bad place I didn’t shower for a month I had to have my friend call me and give me nice words and encouragement to keep going I sat on the floor of the shower for and hours just to take a bath it took 3 hours just to be able to be a normal person and I needed help, will you be able to do that, will you still love me when I have one of my extreme episodes where I feel that everything bad is my fault to the point I tell people to leave me and I beg them to leave me because I think it’s best for them. I want you to know this is a life long battle I still at tel with my insomnia even sometimes I stay up for days not eating just ripping out my hair because I feel that I deserve it, I feel like I’m deserve nothing more then to die a slow painful death sometimes I can’t even bring myself out of bed

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Hey Alex,

Thank you for opening up, and I’m really glad you’re sharing this. It sounds like you’ve been through some incredibly tough moments, and I’m sorry that depression has taken you to such dark places. It’s a battle to even get out of bed or find the energy for a shower when it feels like the weight of everything is too much. The emotional toll of feeling like you don’t deserve better and thinking others should leave you is incredibly draining.

It’s hard to believe anyone could still love you when you’re feeling so low, but real love is about weathering those storms together. People often say they’ll stay and support you, and it’s understandable to question if they can follow through, especially when the reality of your struggles feels so overwhelming.

It’s important to surround yourself with those who can offer consistent support and understanding. You shouldn’t have to fight through it all alone. The fact that you have friends who called you and gave you encouragement is significant. Finding people who can handle the difficult times and gently help you back to a better place can make a world of difference.

If you have someone in your life who says they’ll stand by you during these extreme episodes, give them the chance to show you that they care. It won’t always be easy, and they may not always get it right, but their genuine effort matters. You deserve kindness, patience, and people who understand that depression doesn’t define you or your worth.

Please continue to reach out, whether to friends, supportive loved ones, or professionals, and let them help lift some of that weight off your shoulders. Remember you matter, and you deserve support even in the darkest of times.

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