Why should I live if all I do is disappoint people

I keep messing up, I feel like I can’t do anything right. I wish I was dead most of the time. Why should I be alive

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hello, Storm 06. There is reason for you to be alive.
You didn’t disappoint me.
I am actually kind of proud because you reached out, instead of just going and dying.
I’m sure there are people who love you out there, and also people from the past that love you as well, and I know that the people who love you wouldn’t want to see you die.
I don’t want you to die. I think everybody, even people who are thought of as people who “can’t do anything right,” deserve to be alive.
I hope you hang on and persevere. You have probably found this community for a reason…
If you keep messing up, there is still room in your life for things that you do that don’t mess up.
Even if you’ve made past mistakes, you are welcome here as a human being worthy of living.
We care about you. The reason you should be alive is because your actions could have serendipity or they could make all the difference to somebody else. I believe what I’m saying, I swear it.


Welcome to HeartSupport! You came to the right place.

I know what it feels like to not get anything right. I’m better than I used to be, but I still have my moments. Last night I started yelling because I didn’t go buy olive oil. Stupid thing really, but it set me off.

You have to watch it when you speak in absolute terms, like saying “can’t do anything right.” Surely there’s plenty of small stuff you do right every day! I bet there’s less stuff you do wrong than you think, it just echoes in your head louder. Try making a list of all the things you’ve done right today. Eat breakfast? Take a shower? Brush your teeth? Go for a walk? Take care of the dog? Reach out to a support community? Anything positive at all, big or small, and no “buts.” If you can’t come up with anything else, you got out of bed this morning, and you’ll go back to bed at the end of the day, whenever that is.


Hey @Storm06,

It’s okay to make mistakes. As human beings we all mess up sometimes - or feel like we do - and in these moments we’re certainly our most severe judge and critic. It becomes easier to blame ourselves for everything, even for mistakes we never did.

I don’t know the reason why you’re disappointed right now and what happened, but you are not a failure. Mistakes allow us to learn, grow and do better. It’s like a work in progress. And I agree with Sheet saying that there are things you do right. Sometimes it’s just hard to see it, especially if we beat ourselves up for something. Though once you’ll see yourself as you are and not through this veil of disappointment, you’ll be in a better position to keep moving on and allow growth to happen. You are a unique individual with strengths and weaknesses, and both are okay. There’s beauty in you that no one else holds.

Whenever you’d like to talk about what makes you feel that way, know that we’re willing to listen and discuss it with you. You are loved, friend. You life is valuable and makes a difference in this world. :hrtlegolove:


Hey Storm06! We posted a shorter version of your topic to our Support Wall at Houston’s LOUD Fest, and this is what people had to say to you!



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