Wife-left-me-after-38-yrrs-to-live-as-a-lesbian-wi - 1585

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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/39188
Wife left me after 38 yrRs to live as a lesbian with her lover. Heartbroken as nd soylbroken here


Hi Friend, thank you so much for reaching out. that is really hard to read and i feel so sorry to hear that. my thoughts are with you. to have a heart broken is always difficult and after all that years, i can only imagine how that feels like.
there are so many things, we never expect for ourselves to happen, something like this. stay strong and reach out further if you struggle more with it, don’t shy away from that, you are important. you are most important to you.
you are loved and you matter. :purple_heart: feel hugged



I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have spent so much of your life with a person and then lose them like this. It must be like experiencing grief. I am so sorry this has happened to you.

Please know that if you need support going through this that we in this community are here to listen. I know that it doesn’t seem like it now, but life will get easier with time. x


Hi Friend, I am so incredibly sorry that your wife ended your marriage after 38 years, I cannot comprehend how difficult that must have been and is for you. I have not been married myself but I have been told that a situation akin to this is not very different in feeling to grieving the death of a loved one where you go through all the different stages. You dont deserve this feeling, no one does and I hope in time as you go through these stages and begin to heal and move forward life will start to look better for you. Again I am so sorry that your heart is broken, we are always here to listen and support you whenever you feel you need it. I am going to put a link below of something that I hope may help. Much Love to you friend. Lisa.x