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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Sick Boi Ren
With all the respect in the world here Ren has helped me more than any doctor or therapist could ever hope to. Mainly because he makes me feel less alone. his lyrics made me realise that there are others that feels exactly like I do. I am 42 years old and I have yet to meet a doctor or a therapist that hasn’t let me down or straight up made me worse. Its a terrible thing to live without hope. For many of us there is only one way out. I gave up seeing doctors entirely because as a man they are just not interested in helping me. and that’s if I’m lucky enough to get a doctors appointment at all. I tried to get a doctors appointment two years ago for some very worrying bowl symptoms, I was told I had to wait 18 weeks to see a doctor. I waited like a good little boy and even used my last day of holiday for the appointment only for them to cancel it 2 hours before the appointment. I never bothered rebooking it. If I’m completely honest I really hope it is bowl cancer because I am completely done with this world. I can’t trust anyone at all anymore. He is right. the world is sick and I’m sick of having to watch it. The human race is a disease, a cancerous tumor that needs to be cut out and destroyed. Things will never get better and greed will always win. Now my only problem is I’m taking to long to die.
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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,
I’m sorry about your horrible experience with a doctor to check of bowl systems. That place sounds unprofessional for cancelling 2 hours before the appointment. There are a lot of doctors that aren’t meant to be one. Money shouldn’t be the reason for people to become doctors. I met a few bad doctors in my life. This year I was lucky to find a few nice and chill doctors that can help me. Cancer is one of the most cruelest thing for a person to live and suffer through. I wished no one to have cancer. I can understand on why you don’t want to see a doctor after that bad experience. Just remember even the world sucks so bad but there is always hope.
Before I visit a doctor, I totally recommend to read the review others that have seen the physician and location. I’m super concern with your bowl symptoms and it needs to be treated immediately. Not every human that you are going to meet is evil but there is a few from past history.
@@HeartSupport I appreciate your concern but I’m utterly done. I don’t belong here ya know. I’m just not built for this world. I get that not everyone is evil but when everyone you have ever met has stabbed you in the back in one way or another you kinda just give up trying. I’m not wrong about the human race though. Just turn on the news and look for your self. I’m not afraid to die, my only problem is its taking to long.
Hey my friend. I’ve read both comments but i wanted to reply to the main thread here. I definitely get how you feel - for about a decade of my life i had nearly the exact same thought process - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - With all the respect in the world here ren has hel - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - 20 May 2024 | Loom
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