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Belongs to: Therapist is glad there are no masks in Slipknot - Snuff
Wow your description of a relationship where you feel inferior is exactly what happened to me when my marriage ended this year. I hit rock bottom and felt like I’d lost the last thing I had left. I wish I’d heard this explanation last year
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I came here to write something similar. That relationship description hit hard.
Exactly the same 2 years ago. I was falling to pieces from alcoholism and my wife told me she was leaving. I still loved her but hated her so much
Hey friend, thank you so much for sharing about this. I deeply related and wanted to record a video reply so you could “see” you are not alone in this. You can view that here: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
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@@HeartSupportI found this video right when I needed it. I’d have you as my therapist any day. I really need to seek some help in my area. Thanks for opening my eyes to it.
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I hope you’re doing better.