Yeah i struggle with depression and sucidal though

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Yeah I struggle with depression and sucidal thoughts sometimes, at least it’s not long term depression. I struggle with ADD and my doctor said its normal with people who have ADHD or ADD to get dreppressed easily after life throws shit at them especially when in my case, I feel like I fail as a student a human being and as muscian more than all the people around me. ESPECIALLY SINSE I KEEP FORGETTING TO TERN THINGS in on time then usual. this happens to much especially when I keep forgetting thing too much I lose things I can’t keep track of things the list goes on and on its like the only reason I am forced to be alive is because people love and want me and they want to see me be suscesfull even if that means my parents live off of my existence.


Thank you so much for sharing and for being open about your experience. Having bouts of depression is so hard and it isn’t something that is easy to just shrug off because “it’s normal”.
My partner has ADHD and I’ve seen him struggle so much through life and through study.
Sometimes I think the problem lies within the system constructed to teach us. They expect that everyone has to learn and do things the same way, but really our brains are wired different. I used to struggle at school reading the instructions and then the teacher would get mad and explain to me what I needed to do and I’d get it. He couldn’t understand why when he said the exact same thing that was written down I could understand it suddenly.

Life is crazy and hard enough, but especially when it’s designed to conflict with people who think and see things differently. I see this as a wonderful gift that my partner has though. Not just something that has to be a burden. I hope that you’re able to talk to your teachers/lecturers and share with them information and resources to help them be able to reach people who sit in a different mindset to them. Your existence shouldn’t have to be an exhaustion to yourself or make you feel like you’re being a burden.
Sending you love


Thank you for having the courage to share your story and struggles. I am proud of you for being honest about what you are feeling.

I can relate to having a lot of pressure on yourself when it comes to school. My husband has both ADD and ADHD and he also struggles with remembering things. We’ve had multiple conversations about what I can do to help him remember things and he has gotten better with things that we have talked about, but he still has his own moments of struggle.

I agree with ManekiNeko, life is hard and crazy as it is without all of the outside pressures from everything else. Your ADD is not a disadvantage or something to be ashamed of. Your brain works differently than everyone else’s and you just need to find what works for you to help you remember. I have left sticky notes for my husband or would write on our bathroom mirror in case I wasn’t around to remind him. Whatever system you find or create that works for you, only has to make sense to you.

I am sorry that you feel like you only exist for other people and that it can feel exhausting. You are definitely not a failure in any aspect of anything. I hope you can talk to your parents to see if they are able to help you come up with ways to help you remember things. I have faith that you will be able to be successful for no one but yourself. You got this. We are always here for you whenever you need any additional support.

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