Yeah their song kill you is very relatable to me i

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
Yeah their song “Kill You” is very relatable to me, I have 2-4 years until I move out, my parents are divorced and my mother is very mentally abusive, I want to get away from her so bad but when I tell my dad that I want to stay with him he says, she needs to agree to go to court, she won’t, and I hate seeing her, im 16.

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Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that you are in this situation. I can’t imagine the pain of the push and pull between the different sides of your family. Nobody should have to go through what you are going through.

I want to encourage you, however. I know those 2-4 years ahead of you can feel like an eternity that you are going to have to suffer through, but this time will pass so much faster than you can imagine. I am currently 21, and it feels like it has only been the blink of an eye since I was 16 years old. I know that the situation you find yourself in is extremely challenging and taxing, but before you know it you will be looking back on these years, thinking about how much they have enabled you to grow. Pressure makes diamonds, and while these struggles are so taxing, they will make you stronger and more equipped for every step in your life that follows.

We are here for you during this hard time, and we would love to talk with you more if you ever need it. You are loved and appreciated so much, and we know that life has amazing things in store for you on the other side of these trying times.


Thank you for reaching out, it takes courage to do that, I hear you and I feel you. My parents have been divorced since I was a very young age. Being between two households is a very confusing thing and can cause various levels of anxiety. I’m so sorry that your mom treats you like this. You must feel a sense of disconnect from her, and that you can’t get away from her. I promise that this will all come to pass. You have so many people that love you here and we are always here to listen. Though things may not seem all that bright right now, I promise that the light is abundant up ahead. Through these tough times, even when it may not feel like it, you are growing. Keep shining your light, you are so strong. I’m rooting for you!


I’m so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with all of this. Dealing with mental abusive is so draining to endure. One thing I’ve found is the best and worst part about being a teenager is how much and how quickly things change. I personally hated high school and everything else that I was dealing with when I was sixteen. The best part about finishing your battles isn’t just the improvement in your situation, but the growth you find in yourself.

Your dad seems to be very supportive and someone you can turn to when this feels overwhelming. He loves and cares about you very much. If you feel comfortable, I’m certain he would love to sit with you and help you process your hurt and anger caused by your mother’s abuse. If you ever need someone else to talk and vent, we’re right here.

You will be able to get through this. These next few years are not going to be just pain to endure, but they will be time to grow your bond with your father and find joy within your friends and yourself. I believe in you and am rooting for you, you are so resilient! You are stronger than you think and more loved than you could ever imagine <3