Yep 10 years together and married last year went f

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Yep :cry: 10 years together and married last year. Went for coffee one morning never came home. Been pretty much ignored since can’t get my head around it all

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That’s absolutely devastating and I’m sorry this happened to you. Feeling abandoned while left asking “why?” is not an easy situation to process. I can only imagine how you must feel.

Myself and other volunteers are here if you need someone to hear you out on this.

@heartsupport thank you


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Hey friend, thank you so much for sharing about such a heartbeaking and significant loss with us here. Man, the brutality of it all… separation is one painful experience to walk through, but on top of it the circumstances surrounding the way your partner left are so brutal and unfair. After so many years together you would not expect for that kind of thing to happen. You build projects and focus on your future. Nothing could really prepare you for that kind of loss and the silence you’re just left with afterwards.

I’m truly sorry that you’ve been through this, friend. Being somewhat ghosted like this is so painful. It leaves you with so many questions and no answer to fill the blanks. It’s almost as if the possibility to feel a sense of closure is stolen away from you, and you’re left being forced to deal with their absence without real meaning behind it. At least, when there is an answer to the question “why”, it helps the mind to process and walk through the pain of loss in a different manner. But when there is no understanding of what happened, it feels like being imprisoned in a place of pain and injustice. That feeling of being ignored after sharing significants parts of your life together must make it much harder to process. Makes you leave feeling as none of what you’ve shared together mattered - almost as if you didn’t matter. Which of course isn’t true, but it’s how it feels.

It makes sense to have a hard time getting your head around what happened. And I hope that, in the midst of this hurt and confusion, you manage to be very kind and patient with yourself. It’s understandable and valid to feel lost, confused, sad, angry, all at once. You’re experiencing something that creates questions that keep looping around with no answers, which is so hard to accept.

I just want you to know that whenever you need to talk, vent, or just let some of it out, we are here for that. It might take time to make sense of any of this, but you’re not on your own in feeling it. It freaking hurts and it’s unfair - although you are not alone, friend. Thank you so much for sharing your pain and your voice with us. :heart:

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@kingsleydutton we are with you and so is she

@jonsdaily don’t Detox from Ozzy!! Turn him UP!!

@kingsleydutton not ten years but 3 for me and was about to pop thr question. I thought I was gonna grow old with this person. Just three years of giving this person who I wad, I can’t imagine ten. They ghosted as well. During a time I was going through crazy panic adrenaline episodes that happened randomly and showed a weakness. Lots of therapy and heavy metal detox has made me feel alot better. Still processing it today… all we can do is look thriugh it and never lose hope!!

@kingsleydutton Wait? Are you serious? I’m really sorry. That’s terrible.