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Belongs to: Therapist want to be Happy. By NF
Yes it hurt. I realized this last year too, I don’t know what to do, for years I would drink alone and watch the stars sad. It is hard not to reminisce and go back to what I know, to be comfortable like I used to
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You can drink alone and remember the stars of memory. Being sad is not a terrible thing at all. You may not be able to go back, but you can move forward and create new memories to be happy and sad about. What do you mean about being comfortable? Because there is so many avenues of comfortable that one may feel. One day I will drink with you and remember in the stars as well.
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I am sorry you are hurting. When you are reminiscing are you mainly thinking about the negative things that happened or are you able to look back on some of the good things that have happened? I hope there is at least 1 good thing you can look back on and maybe even find ways to look forward to the future.
Like @KotoHiAme already said it is good to know what makes you feel comfortable. Is it being around a certain kind of people, doing certain activities or maybe some music or food that you enjoy?
I do hope you find ways of feeling comfortable because you deserve that. You are valuable and you matter!
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Welcome to HeartSupport and I am glad you reached out to us. I love that song Happy by NF - it sounds like you really connected with it, and maybe times or events that you had in the past. I know that drinking alone and looking at the stars sometimes seems like a comforting thing to do - if that is what you meant in your post - it was something that you used to do in the past and want to do again? Maybe I am speculating, but doing that once or twice might be comforting, but maybe when it becomes a pattern of getting drunk alone, it becomes sad and depressing? Maybe I am putting words in your mouth, but I hope you are finding positive ways to help become happy lately, and avoiding drinking solo. Please feel free to reach out to us to let us know how your journey is going. Keep your head up, take one day at a time, and do the best you can do with what you have. Peace be the journey.