Yes out of every nf song i probably relate to happ

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Belongs to: Therapist want to be Happy. By NF
Yes! Out of every NF song, I probably relate to “Happy” the most. I live these feelings every single day. It’s absolutely easier to stay in your comfort zone, even if it is painful and hard, because fear of the unknown is worse. I can’t imagine what my life would look like if I was a happy person. I don’t even know what happy looks like.


Thank you for sharing that.

This songs touches so much about the tension between the comfort zone, and safe space but also wanting to be in better place. It is like a conflict of “i want to get there” but at the same time being tied back with “but i dont want to move”

What you said about not knowing what happiness looks like struck me… It is so vulnerable and honest place to be…Like seems this might be an abstract place , yet you really want to get there, touch that - get into the better place. Telling this out loud, naming your emotions, naming what you want is something i see a of great value. You already know what you are looking for.

I want you to know that you are not alone with these feelings. I was some time back in very dark place ( so called depression) that i wanted to be happy, i knew i need that, but for whatever reason - nothing was satisfying, nothing was pleasing, nothing was causing me to be happy.
It is okay to feel that way and to take small steps at time, as you already did with reflection on this. Connecting here with us, using music to express your emotions. This is such a huge step towards your goals :slight_smile: Whatever “happy” is - i do have my faith in your, I believe you are to solve you troubles, with the pace you need.

Sending all of my love, support, hugs and huge smile for you to be in better, happier place!



You’re absolutely right, my friend.

Comfort zones are really hard to leave, even when they’re causing us so much pain and grief. It’s like hanging onto a rope that’s burning and cutting up your hand, digging into your skin and making you bleed, but not wanting to let go and fall who knows how far down. Your brain tries to help but actually hurts more with all the ‘what ifs’ that could happen? What if it hurts? What if you fail? What if you end up disappointed by the outcome and it’s never as great as you think it might be?

But those thoughts bar us from the opportunities and chances to encounter even a sliver of happiness. They scare us and make us cling tighter to our painful reality and not wanting to let go of the fear and trauma that haunts us.

I’m so glad you’re able to hear and relate to this song and hear yourself reflected in it, I know I find it comforting to hear my thoughts and feelings coming through from someone else, it helps me feel less alone. I hope it does the same for you, or that it helps you feel those kinds of emotions some of us try to keep buried.

I know you said you can’t imagine what life as a happy person would look or feel like, but I hope when you do, it’s not scary or unapproachable. I think that you deserve to feel a happy life for a change. Someone that’s been struggling and aching for a break in the clouds for some sunshine or to feel a genuine smile across your face, and I know that kind of day is out there for you.

Know that you’re not alone, my friend. Some people fall down so far they can’t see the light and think that they’re no way out, but there are others who have been there before and can help guide you out. It may be scary, even painful or uncomfortable to expose such dark and weighted feelings, but they’re real and they’re yours. I’m so glad you shared them with us! That tells me you know you’re worth fighting for and happiness is possible for you! You are so strong, my friend, and I know that you have brighter days ahead.

You are so loved. I see you, my friend, and we’re here for you. :purple_heart:

~ Pen

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