Zmyersofficial i m in the exact same boat as you w

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Belongs to: Can you relate to zach s struggles with anxiety sh
@zmyersofficial I’m in the exact same boat as you. With the very high levels, and years of hard work. I’ve been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder & panic disorder as well. When the pandemic hit, it hit hard with my mental health. Thank you so much for being an advocate! @thebrentsmith it’s the best thing you can do, to hug and be there! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::black_heart:

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Yeah, it’s an interesting thing to have years of hard work under your belt, and yet still have this thing you have to live with. Anxiety and panic are persistent. It’s hard when you feel like you have to come to terms with this being your LIFE. But it seems like you’ve taken a positive approach to it and embraced. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. It would be like feeling ashamed of the fact that we have to take care of our bodies. This is just part of life, taking care of our minds. And the fact that you choose to do so, consistently and over time - that is a testament to the healthy mindset you’ve chosen over this issue. And that is powerful! And inspiring to others! Because when we say - yes this is just a part of taking care of myself - it normalizes that reality for them too. You are living in a way that ripples out to others, just like Zach. Thank you for making that choice.

@heartsupportwall right! That is exactly what I felt! Right now, I’m still coming to terms that it is my life. Accepting the reality of it was difficult but so was finding ways to cope with it. I’m glad I had resources to reach out to, and they helped tremendously. Thank you so much for saying that. It really is nothing to be ashamed of; it just means you’re a human being capable of hard work & dedication. It’s something I work at everyday to balance my everyday life and i say exactly that. “I’m taking care of myself and doing it well, so don’t give up.”

Thank you so much!! :heart::black_heart: