HeartSupport_Fans Content #1196

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

  • If someone tags @heartsupport in a comment it becomes a topic here on the forum.
  • If they don’t it’ll be a comment on this topic.
  • Moderators can flag:ignore non @heartsupport comments to create a new topic if needed.

View media here: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f1/m82/8047EAEC70CBD937D4DB05EF60E2C7BE_video_dashinit.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5jbGlwcyJ9&_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&vs=1296648154568535_2791007969&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYT2lnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfcHJvZC84MDQ3RUFFQzcwQ0JEOTM3RDREQjA1RUY2MEUyQzdCRV92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVABgkR0V6d2tSUUpaZUwyM3VZR0FNc1p2RDljbGtjVGJxX0VBQUFGFQICyAEAKAAYABsBiAd1c2Vfb2lsATEVAAAmqOmm5%2BS%2FkEAVAigCQzMsF0BNlT987ZFoGBJkYXNoX2Jhc2VsaW5lXzFfdjERAHUAAA%3D%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AfBRgg8z5Zno-vdaXuOoX9Jx0NNm5yQ0MJ7knNlk-GX16Q&oe=6455BA03&_nc_sid=ea0b6e&_nc_rid=b7320dfb1b

What quiet daily war are you fighting?? Share and tag @heartsupport in the comments and we’ll reply with encouragement!

Full reacts video to @theamityaffliction on YouTube!


Thank you soooo much! That helps alot❤️


This hits so close to home. The process of grieving the loss of my brother still feels most of the time like a double sentence: losing him, then not finding the spaces where I could talk about him without making people uncomfortable or feeling bad. As you said, people stop asking. Time goes on, yes, but love remains exactly the same. It often feels like the lack of questions such as “how was he?” “what did he like?”, is a step further in erasing his existence, which often hurts. It feels like an unsolvable contradiction: even though he is not in this world anymore, his absence remains a strong presence in my life, yet it’s been a real challenge to share it. The “war” that consists of sharing the voice of someone who can’t speak anymore isn’t something I was prepared for. Grief
shouldn’t feel like being contaminated with something that no one wants to see or hear about. It should only be about love, and being human.


I have experienced so so much loss… and my grief has been an astounding mountain to climb. But my Heavenly Father has taken me through it all and He has never left me. To Him I am, literally, eternally grateful.

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