Polaris - Nightmare - Therapist Reacts

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  • Do you feel like you’re putting more energy into someone else’s healing than they are?
  • Do your best intentions lead you down to a bad path?
  • “To be captive in the confides of your mind” - Do you feel like you’re alone in your struggles?
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This band is just amazing they can do no wrong there new album is just something great sadly there guitarist Ryan passed away but there going to keep kicking

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Fantastic song on a fantastic album. Have you listened to Tesseract? Their new album just came out and there are some really fantastic lyrics on it. I highly recommend giving them a listen.

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Really need a reaction to Euclid by Sleep Token. Or Bloodsport (the room below version) by Sleep Token!

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It felt so relatable cuz I’ve been there before and even now isn’t fully out on the other side

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good song & chat but Overflow, the single after this one, probably would have been the song with lyrics better suited to your type of analysis. One line in particular stands out to me in that one: ‘The things I love, i hold so tight I strangle them to death’

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these songs means so much more as the guitarist ryan passed away before they could release these music videos with him still around… but I always cry when i see him playing those beautiful lead melodies… and the way the video plays out from 3:30 3:49… it’s a little dark and though I don’t think
the song was ever even about ryan…
it almost foreshadowed the future of his own life… with the cuts from his playing to the skulls in the ground and the vocalist visibly torn as he sings and leads into the breakdown… and I always feel that the breakdown is ryan telling us… don’t worry about me guys… I may be gone and I maty be missed, but I fought through this life just as you all are too. stay strong.

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Hey. Thank you for sharing these reaction videos and sharing information about mental health issues. I would have one suggestion that you could react to, namely Nightwish’s song - How’s the Heart. It’s a symphonic metal band from Finland and that song is about, as the name suggests, how rarely we really ask others what’s really up to us. If you happen to react to this song, I recommend the acoustic live version :slight_smile: All the best!

Edit: Link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYtkPpFYzOo

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this song hit me harder after this explanation. i really love this kind of content, react to polaris’ overflow next, please!! this song mean so much to me :,)

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Hi Taylor, you love mental health songs - then Overflow from Polaris will kick you out of your socks :slight_smile: cheers

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This whole album is just phenomenal!

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The whole album almost feels retrospectively about Ryan, some of the best metalcore this year.

Aviana’s last album is pretty deep, Joel has outdone himself going solo. Obsession or Rage are the go-to. My pick would be Obsession because I hear a lot of my past in it, the frustration of staying with the wrong people and being left alone to deal with the consequences.
(I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders
Face split in two, lived the life of a coward
I started giving up on myself
Stared into darkness with faces I wish I’d forget)

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You should do ‘Come On’ by Oktaf Kanis :fire:

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Would love for you to react to with regards from the same album. Cheers !

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If you want a really good one “forgotten” by The Plot in You is an amazing song

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This song hits deep, the guitarist Ryan passed away just before this song was released to suicide. He was a massive part of the Australian music scene, the three film clips on this album were His last, he will be truly missed
I encourage you to check out the other two singles from this album

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Omg thank you so much for this. This song already hit me deep and hung on to the lyrics. I’ve teared up so many times and your explanation about made me break down dealing with being “held captive with the confines of your mind”. That’s the line that stuck with me the most. I went through a heartbreaking traumatic separation last year with the woman/wife I’ve been with for 19 years and it broke me so much mentally and emotionally. We got back together thank God but so much damage has been done with me and I find myself driving back in that captivity due to insecurity of trust and feeling like I’m not good enough. That’s awesome you pray and cool you listen to metal as well. Have a blessed day!

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As an Aussie it’s not pol a ris
It pol ar is
Love ur reaction

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R.I.P Ryan! Truly gifted talent that left us WAY TOO SOON! :pray:

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6 months ago, let someone move in, unallowed by nsw housing. Said 2 weeks until he left. Then, yellin at me, stealing my food, tobacco, other stuff. On disability, he’s on $500 a day. His dog shits and pisses on my carpet, he broke my stove, so cannot cook, and regularly abuses me. I took out restraint orders, not worked. Im so angry. :heart:

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