
Oh Sammy, it’s so hard to see people fighting, especially when only care about them and just want to love them. It leaves you forced to deal with this tension all around, which makes it hard to know what is the right thing to say or do. It sounds like you have a good understanding of why this tension arised, and from your mom’s point of view it is really understandable that she was upset. It must be worrysome and disheartening to know your own parent has gone through surgery, but also being aware that you were not in the loop. It’s unfortunate that her anger and frustration resulted with arguments at your home though. As our friends said here, parents are of course not perfect and go through their own set of emotions, sometimes particuarly heavy ones too. It’s hard when there’s this amount of intense energy that seems to need to be directed somewhere, but ends up being expressed in ways that are also unfair.

In this context, and given how touchy that moment was, it sounds like you really did the right thing by not adding to the comments of your mom. You did what you could at the time by helping out, and you also acknowledged what could be fair or not to say. This was surely one of those moments when it’s not the right time to add more to the ongoign tension and pain. Well done for addressing and approaching the situation like you did. It was very mature to try to not take sides, even if you wanted to.There’s a right time for everything.

I hope that, since this happened, the atmosphere at home is a little bit more peaceful, and that you don’t feel like having to walk on eggshells anymore. Hoping for some resolution and healing for your mom too. Hold Fast.

From sammmy2000: All of that because my brother has over slept
So, she’s angry because dad haven’t called us to help him on the home, so now when I asked her if he needs anything or needs help she refuse it, it’s her way to show us that she doesn’t needs me or she can do anything. Even when he ask her let me help in the kitchen she doesn’t want my help or she doesn’t anyway… she’s selfish she doesn’t understand when she’s tired and when she needs to stop working and rest… im so done with her then she calls me lazy or whatever for not doing one thing she ordered

From sammmy2000: I’m an adult but I don’t feel like I have no control over my life because my parents are trying to control them in someway like my family do a trip and I said I wouldn’t be going because college and I know people doesn’t go in the first week but I’m doing my classes schedule, but they been calling me a bad cousin because I haven’t seen them in months… all that because I’m escaping years of bullying and bad memories… not just that but not showing that they care when I talk about my college and classes… I don’t know if they just don’t understand or they trying their best and it put weight of our relationship