BMTH - Can You Feel My Heart - Therapist Reacts

I Just wish there was someone i could share the pain with

hey, thanks, I’ve listened to this song a thousand times but your explanation has made me feel like someone might get it

Their music has honestly helped me so much through those times when I was so depressed I couldn’t even think. I just wanted to die. Between their melodies and lyrics, they just-- get it. I’m still in tears listening to this.

Where all else has failed me
Music has saved me

this is the first song i heard bye them next to sepiternal

This song literally saved my life. It was released around the time I lost my husband and son. The pain I felt was so deep, and I swore nobody knew how I felt.

@heartsupport i relate to this and have been struggling Hard for a few years. Reaching out like this is very uncomfortable for me, but a start to something good I guess. Not sure this tag will work. Not sure I’ll get notified if anyone responds. Still, choosing to try to be grateful and proud that I chose to post this. Dog bless y’all.

I love how strongly you feel the music itself. Super cool!

just found this channel today and i’ve been going through some of my favorite songs. it is so nice to see a therapist understand how metal can be relatable and even help people who are struggling when there are so many negative stereotypes surrounding it.

I understood that ‘the deeper we go, we create internal screams that suffocate us and take on a life of their own, and their echoes reflect in our flesh, causing spasms, nervous tics, and aggressive reactions that even we don’t understand.’ And even if you carry this with you after overcoming depression, understand that a scar, even though it might still exist, no longer hurts and is a symbol of victory.

i understand…

I am hearing this for the first time, but know the feelings all to well.
Most people’s perception of me is I’m weak because I’m emotional. And that’s far from the truth being an empath I deal with so much pain it’s not even my own. Think about that for a minute I not only have my own pain I deal with but everyone else’s I come in contact with. That I have to release it somehow that’s why I am emotional. No one cares to know what I deal with and how it affects me. I lost the one person I think that understood me before I ever got a chance to have her help me deal with it. I am 48 and have been misunderstood, misdiagnosed and abandoned because no one gets why I am the way I am. I get it, hard to be around someone that feels pain the way I do. Guess what I feel happiness just the same but when everyone around you is in pain and not happy it’s hard to be positive. So when you say I am here for you if you need anything I don’t believe cause I feel like everyone has turned their back on me cause I am just a burden. I had a friend that felt he was a burden I was his best friend cause I knew what it felt like and most people quit hanging out with us cause of him and his negativity. So doing what you think is the right thing may not be the right thing after all. Cause when I needed someone everyone disappeared. I lost my best friends, wife, kids and most my family. Because no one can deal with my emotions. This is why I have become so messed up and have turned against myself at times. It’s hard to stick up for yourself when everyone is beating you up most your life and everyone’s just turned their backs. I have admitted to attempting to taking my own life in the past. Just to have people tell me I am stupid and stop talking to me afterwards. It hard to admit the way I am and the things I feel and most the time it is met with negativity. So I try to live for the one person that hasn’t given up on me yet. So now you know why I am the way I am for what it’s worth.

Just coming out of a depression so bad i was feeling suicidal. I cried listening to this song for days. But, also thats the beauty of this song. Just the lyrics. And a breakdown that makes you want to release all the bad energy or just breakdown myself. Because crying helps too
I just love bmth. They helped me get through this and other bad times in my life

Can you see the jaw :eyes:

You should do “Gone With The Wind” by Architects, written by a man dying of cancer shortly before he passed.

They have alot of songs that are about mental health that are better then this one

The Question is do Olly pointing or screaming for help,Chester was screaming all his life,people,life is fuck up,don’t be ashamed to ask for help,you think yore the only one,Yore not,let live my friends

He spittin facts. We can all give up anytime we want to.

Great song & reaction! It always amazes me how powerful melody and lyrics can be when they make that perfection connection. And even more amazing, the fact one can relate to almost every lyric…

You know, being a man, the pain is real. There’s isn’t a single day that I don’t think of how lonely this world feels, especially now.