Everything just falling apart

do you game alone? when draw or paint or write, do you share it with anyone?

I have found it easiest to talk about what i’m interested in to open up with someone new, or to ask the other person what they are interested in. People can sometimes get very animated when they talk about things they are passionate about, and it radiates a unique sort of energy. this is why connecting with others who also like the same things you do gives you common ground, and gives you something to talk about that they also are familiar with.

I usually play signal player games and I post my drawings online but, I’ve never posted anything that I’ve written in fact I’ve never finished anything that I’ve started writing, I’m way to critical on my writing.

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it sounds like you’re generally hard on yourself. do you do self-care things? things just for yourself, to be nice to yourself? Something that is just positive because you want to take care of yourself?

usually no I have a tendency to put others before myself.

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