Feeling like i need to give up

alright, i like the singers voice because it’s so beautiful until he screams

As far as I know from the song’s that Stone Sour have and that he does as a solo artist, there’s no screaming. So from what you said about liking his voice…I think you’d REALLY appreciate (especially) his solo stuff.

alright i’ll give it a try, i am wanting to listen to other songs to see what i like and dislike

for me the playstyle is a little like shinedown but not really… if that makes any sense

Let me know if you do, and which you like.
I’ve never heard shindown’s music…
Ever heard of Candlebox? Were popular back in the 90’s but really good.

if they were i most likely have but did not know because my mom would make me listen to music from the 70-90s so yeah

Hey! There was alot of good music in those days. lol
So,…I gotta go get ready for my mom’s arrival.
Not sure if I’ll be back on line until tomorrow at some point, but you’re always welcome to write me. :slightly_smiling_face:
Try to have at least 1 :paw_prints:sitive moment in your day, Ok? :slightly_smiling_face:

kk i can try to have a nice day

Hey @boogie,

I see that you’ve been having some lovely conversations here and wanted to check in on you today: how are you doing?

It seems that you’ve been having a lot on your post when you first posted. Being depressed, anxious and bipolar is a lot to deal with at the same time. It makes sense to be hit by suicidal thoughts sometimes, though it’s really important to keep connecting with others when you feel like it’s taking too much space in your mind. It also makes sense to feel like everything is too much and too difficult. The struggles you are facing are very taxing emotionally and physically. So I hope you keep in mind during your darkest times that none of it defines you, and none of it is going to conditions the rest of your life. With the right support and resources, we can learn to live with these conditions, or even heal from them.

Following the conversation about therapy and eventually letting your family know how you feel so they could help them get the right resources - would you like to try talking to your family in times to come? To let them know what’s going on for you, even just a little bit. Or is it something you really don’t want to consider at all?

In any case, you deserve to be supported, friend. The worst in your situation is to stay alone. Being depressed and suffering from the symptoms that affect your entire life is not a fatality.

You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:

I am doing better after talking about my feelings that has been stirring up in my mind and body and that I don’t really wanna tell my parents but I know I have to when push comes to shove and I am tryin to get therapy and everything but I don’t know how to because I don’t really have the money for it and where I am at right now it’s really expensive to get a therapy like $100 for one session

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