Feeling optimistic about 2023

I’m just feeling particularly optimistic about the new year and thought I’d share since I don’t feel like this often and a lot of this feeling is in some part thanks to posts here. Almost everything seems to be starting in a better place than 2022 and lightyears better than 2021. The first and most notable thing is that I finally have the spare time and energy for my own projects that used to be spent on worrying about school. I couldn’t be happier being out of that place and having success in learning game development. I’ve also taken up streaming which has been a great time and brought more fun to gaming which had started to get bland. For some time I’d felt out of place, lost, and incompatible with society at large, but my progress and growth have given me the beginnings of a sense of purpose and direction.

On top of my personal matters my relationships have been thriving and I’m incredibly happy with the people in my life. Words can’t explain how much love I have for them and how loved they make me feel. I can’t get over how safe and comfortable I feel talking to them. Those are all feelings I hadn’t known before about 2018; I had no idea I’d find people that I’d love this much, much less ones that would love me back as much as they do. I could go on about this for way longer, but I’ll refrain to keep this post from tripling in size. For any that saw my last post, the chances of me getting to visit the two that live a while away are looking far better than before; haven’t asked to go visit yet, but I’m optimistic that my parents will be okay with the idea that I’m an adult that wants to see someone who is certain to be who they say they are.

Thanks for reading this, big thanks to all who have supported me to this point, and I hope you all have a great 2023 and more


This is so amazing to read! Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m so happy for you, you deserve it!
I hope this new year bring even more joy to your life x

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Hey Friend, Thank you for this wonderful update. you have done an incedible job making your way through the trials and tribulaitons that have come your way this year and it looks like you have come out of it fabulously.
To find people that you can love and that love you in return is a wonderous feeling and one that you struggle to believe until it happens. I truly hope you get that invitation and that everything runs smoothly, I would love an update when it happens.
Best of luck for 2023, keep doing what you have been because clearly its working.
take care. Much Love Lisa x

Hi Friend,
thank you for sharing.
i am happy for you, that you also sounds so happy, on your journey. you are doing great and enjoy that in
every aspect of your life. you deserve that. you matter most and you are loved.
feel very second hugged :purple_heart:

Great to read! Happy new year! Here’s to 2023

Glad to hear about your optimism in 2023! We all believe in you. <3 Here’s to hoping for a great year for you!