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From mikeydoucet: hearing one of my favorite musicians growing up speak up about his anxieties and how to manage as an older adult while providing for his family resonates with me. I’ve had intense healing and therapy these few years dealing with being a former foster youth and all of the trauma associated along the journey. I keep the good fight and believe in opportunities and choose gratitude along the way. There are many days that I wanted to give up yet preserved and kept the dream alive. I’m still on this journey daily and it’s powerful to hear and see those I looked up to when I was younger be powerfully aware and present. Thank you for sharing and allowing voices to be heard :pray:


Your vulnerability, honesty and words here are really inspiring. It must have been such an intense journey for you to progressively learn to be a home to yourself while you have grown with this experience of defining - eventually re-defining - what belonging means. It’s such a challenge to have to develop our very own identity when we are young, but it’s added challenge to also choose to define your own roots, the ones you want to keep with you. To carry the scars of it as a grown adult is a daily battle and the depth of your trauma is definitely heard here. I’m personally so very grateful that you didn’t give up on yourself along the way, especially as all of it has brought you to right here and right now, bravely sharing your voice and life experiences on this platform. Facing traumas is a painful, ugly process, one that raises so many questions: am I too broken? Am I lovable? Do I belong? Is it worth to keep trying? – It always is, but there are times when it seems impossible to feel it. This is your journey, this is about your life, your heart, your sense of belonging – and finding this needed safety right within you too. You have been incredibly brave for seeking help during the times when you needed it the most. Not only you are inspired by artists you’ve been looking up to when you were younger, but you are also here to day to share your voice, share your story, and that alone makes such a big difference in this world. <3

@heartsupport your response shows how humanity has the spirit and capacity to generate love and change in a world that can be flooded with negativity. It’s such a beautiful thing when those that care are out there support those who have experienced trauma and suffering. We can be seen, heard and loved. God Bless you and your platform, I will accept the gratitude given with grace. :heart::peace_symbol::pray:

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Your story is totally inspiring. That you have chosen to look for opportunities and practice gratitude is a testament to who you are as a person. It sounds like that journey to who you are has been a long a difficult one which speaks even louder to how inspirational you are. Thank you for sharing your story, your journey and your continued fight to move forward and keep healing and growing. Your story inspires me.

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