
This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.

Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/36742
Have you ever had someone on here that has schizophrenia specifically someone who thinks they are Jesus


Hi friend. If you mean at Heartsupport, then we are a community made of people from all walks of life and dealing with varied diagnosis – schizophrenia could be one for some of our members. I do not know about someone having an experience so specific, but if that is something you or someone you love struggle with personally, then you are absolutely welcome and safe to talk about it either in this comment or on Heartsupport’s anonymous forum. Having safe spaces to share what’s on our heart, experiences that may be difficult for most people to understand, is fundamental. You can count on this community to always provide you one. You are loved. <3

@heartsupportwall2 I think this is something I will have to make a video about in my future for sure whether on my own or on the heart support channel. But I feel it may be important to speak up for the people it may help

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Absolutely! Mental health in general – and schizophrenia in particular – are so misunderstood and subjected to stigmas. It only makes us all feel more alone as a result. We carry a type of shame that simply shouldn’t exist! Speaking up for others is such a beautiful way to bring inspiration and help people educate themselves about topics that need a deeper looker, that require subtelty. If that is a project of yours, I’d love to hear from it whenever you initiate it! Your voice matters. Just by opening up, you bring a lot of goodness in this world. Thank you.

@heartsupportwall5 my music and art will be all about it as it’s my everyday experience of reality. Got quite a ways to go but I’m very much looking forward to having it all ready to be presented to the world

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This is absolutely wonderful. Creativity and music especially can unite people in such magical ways. Thank you for being so invested in this project! You have my full support.