HeartSupport_Fans Content #131

Sending you love and support through this hard time, I know with certainty that I wouldn’t be alive without therapy, and cheer on anyone who advocates for ending the stigma of getting help, and being open about mental health. Hang in there :black_heart:

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My psychiatrist just left the clinic I was seeing him at so I’m spinning my wheels trying to find someone else. I’m fairly young, never lost a job, haven’t been in trouble with the law since I was a minor, have amazing credit, always pay my rent on time along with all of my other bills. I also spent my last birthday in a hospital bed since I overdosed with a 50/50 chance of living and a very low chance of not having brain damage. Up until my overdose no one knew I was back on drugs except the people I was doing them with. I feel like I can’t reach out because everything seems so perfect on the outside, and this is the fourth time I’ve cheated death. I put so much time and effort into appearing like a normal, functioning person that I’ve convinced myself that the street drugs I use are just like the medications I’ve been prescribed. Some days I wish I hadn’t (haven’t) tried so hard to hide everything. No one is going to take me seriously and no one ever has. My rock bottom looks a lot different, how could it even be rock bottom when I haven’t lost anything? Talking about my problems is minuscule compared to most other people, and most people like me don’t look like I do. I’ve been so caught up in appearing successful and normal that my mask owns me.

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Thank you :fire::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:===========

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I’ve never been able to ask for help, because my mind always tells me “you can do this alone”. I know this isn’t right. Maybe I’m just scared to show how vulnerable I am sometimes and this is one of my biggest problem in my life.

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I’m strugglin with sh, I’m one month and one week clean today, this post means so much for me right now… thank you Ricky, you’re the best human :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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I think it’s amazing when established and we’ll respect and heavily followed musicians like yourself open up and support therapy. So much stigma about it and to see an idol support it helps. I recently seen that Remington from Palaye Royale made a post about suicidal thoughts and therapy. And it made a huge impact on the fans

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i cant fucking let him go and its been a year. i wish i never talked to him i wish i could take all the memories back. my favorite time of year got ruined because all i can think about is him and how much everyone in that group hurt me. none of my current friends ever listen to me when i try to talk to them about needing help to cover those memories they just tell me to let it go and thats the end of the conversation. i blare music to drown the thoughts but then will still think of him. i feel like i cant let go no matter how much i want to

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I had to stop taking my antidepressants as I am pregnant. Transitioning back into no meds along with all these new changes and hormones is super hard. Seasonal depression looming right around the corner. Thank you for posting this. It was a much needed after today. Much appreciation to you Ricky. And much love and thoughts to you in these tough times. :black_heart:

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I love how humane you are. I love you. Thanks for opening up :black_heart:

Thank you for reaching out Ricky. I pray all goes well for you. :black_heart::skull::black_heart:

Thanks Ricky. We’ve been hit hard in Fort Myers, FL. We are currently alienated by down powerlines so contact with our families is really spotty and some of us have to go to work and make sure that people are getting their groceries to feed their families. Much appreciated you beautiful son of a gun!


Appreciate you Ricky :black_heart: Thankyou for speaking up. Iv been getting therapy for almost a year now. It truely does help, rather than letting everything bottle up and explode.

Even when our live’s ARE happy and normal, we unfortunately are still human, and have the emotions/feelings that come along with that. But in order for us to grow spiritually/intellectually- we have to be challenged to see just how powerful we can be in certain situations. You have come a long way and can help others realize that there are still struggles in life, no matter your situation.
And- You will pass the FUCK out of any challenge, because you are POWERFUL.
Remember that. :smirk:

Yeah Ricky. I struggle with my mind every day, sometimes I think that I dont belong to this world, everyone thinks that our lives are perfect, especially when it is you who helps others, but then you ask yourself, who helps me? In my hardest moments I had to face them alone, althought that has made me stronger too

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I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling, but I hope you can move on from this experience. It must be hard. I know this because I can’t get out of that environment, and I love and hate my family of origin. They clothe, feed, and shelter me, but they keep a deep hold on my freedom and emotional needs. I know it’s not the right thing to do to deny myself, but I just feel like crap. I often feel like they don’t love me, they just love an accomplished child. I couldn’t find happiness in myself. I was sad every morning and every night. Somatization made me lose 15 pounds. But because of ricky, you made me feel like my life was okay, that I wasn’t alone. The energy in you gives me a lot of strength, so I really pray that you will get out of your predicament and be free. You are the most important person to me and I love you so much🖤@rickyxolson

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you have inspired me for years and years ricky. you are someone i have always looked up to and seeing you being a constant advocate for getting help has helped me so much. much love :black_heart::black_heart:

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I really needed this, thank you. :black_heart:

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I really needed this post today. I have been struggling with my mental health since May and the last couple weeks have been the hardest for me. Thank you for speaking up @rickyxolson …it’s helping me realize that I need to open up about what I’m struggling with :black_heart:

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