HeartSupport_Fans Content #437

I’ve been a Landri fan since the first time we met years ago when I awkwardly had to do your drug test at Nats in Ohio and learning more of who you are ever since has only increased my respect and admiration of you. I had no idea that this piece of your story even existed. I am so glad you are here, alive, safe, with the most compassionate and kind heart. Wow. You are incredible. Thank you for sharing your story and being willing to use something so painful to help others. :purple_heart:

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Wow I now feel like we have even more in common. I got married young and was married right at 12 years and have three lil girls not ready to fully express my story because there’s so many levels to it but your life story has given me hope and inspiration and strength to know if you can do it and all these other women can than I can too. Love you lady and can’t wait to see you again! :kissing_heart:

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Actually I can relate I’m starting to get back on my feet I’ve been struggling with depression after I almost died in a car crash decent last year and this month I’ve made major progress from not getting a lot done to know getting a side job and fixing my apartment up and I’m able to fight my negative thoughts better i use the power of music the song that helped me a lot through my depression would be perseverance by hatebreed whenever the thoughts come back I read those lyrics in my head this post helped me a lot through my struggles I’m slowly but surely bouncing back and I feel a lot better and stronger more confident in fighting negatived also I’ve looked up to the interview from Alice cooper and he’s been a huge role model and helping me become better as a person the phase I wrote down that keeps me is ‘I treat the janitor like I would the bass player he’s a star’ Alice cooper

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@landri_liftsalot @heartsupport #

I feel this post

I myself was in the same situation 10 years ago, however the army protected my ex and I escaped thanks to victim advocacy

He found me and tried again, he’s been in and out of jail. I feel like I’ve been living this life always looking around me hoping to never be found or bothered again. Hoping and praying each day nothing happens to my daughter. Keeping her and her activities private so she isn’t found.

These 10 years have been filled with a lot of work, tears, and rebuilding my confidence and strength. It will be a lifetime project.
I became an ambassador and shared my story with others thanks to the ACT program here in Florida.

I still get emotional thinking back. Still challenging to speak on it sometimes.

I started CrossFit 10 years ago and then became a powerlifter 3 years ago. Becoming a powerlifter has done more healing than anything I’ve done. I feel strong, not scared. Let him find me, I won’t back down like before.

Each day I’m another day stronger and I hope my story also helps others know they can escape and rebuild.