Heartsupportwall many times i have felt like i cou

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@heartsupportwall Many times I have felt like I couldn’t trust myself, and my gut feelings. It’s been difficult since I have been let down many times with people.


Hey there. It’s clear you’ve been struggling quite a bit recently with trust issues and doubting yourself. When others disappoint you, it can be hard not to loose your trust in them or doubt yourself. It’s so important to keep trusting your instincts and gut - most of the time they are usually right. It’s important to reflect on what may have brought these feelings on in the first place. It’s important to be kind to yourself, set realistic goals, don’t break promises to yourself and be positive :heart:

thank you for opening up about the trust you have in yourself. being let down by others is always such a disappointment and definitely affects the truth you have and give going forward. i know you’ll find the trust in yourself and this world with enough practice, confidence in your amazing self, and patience. sending you so much comfort and love. you are loved and have infinite worth. you got this!

I’m sorry to hear that your trust has been misused by others. It can be a huge deterrent to attempting to trust people again and can even make us questions our instincts of trusting others.
It’s a hard thing to acknowledge that the people who hurt us are the ones who hold that responsibility. It can feel easy to turn on ourselves and start telling ourselves we should have known better or that maybe there isn’t anyone out there who is worthy of trust.

I know it takes some times to allow ourselves the grace of healing and forming close bonds again. Sometimes those steps have to be taken slowly and cautiously, but they still allow a space for the people who do bring genuine love and care to start to speak into our lives.

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Hi! Yes, sometimes especially hard to trust ourselves as to others. I think sometimes to me it could be because it is so hard to realize that even if we really care about another; we really don’t know how others think. We can only do our best to try, and I guess trust in our attempt. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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Hello there! When people let you down, it can really hurt and cause a lot of self-doubt and trust issues… Maybe they didn’t mean to let you down, but the pain is still there, and it’s still real. Mistakes happen, and life is hard. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Yes, it’s awfully hard to learn to trust others again with yourself after being let down. It’s like there’s the willingness to learn something from it and protect yourself even more, but at the same time you are fully aware of how much this can make you feel more isolated/disconnected from others. It feels like having to deal with an insolvable problem, and that no matter which choice we make - trusting or not - we would only lose by ending up being hurt… It’s a tough place to be, although such a strong one to acknowledge the way you do. In between, there is a way to move forward and find restoration in your heart for what happened, as well as to learn to trust others again, at your own pace. I’m surely rooting for you. <3