I find myself at a juxaposition i go to groups for

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I find myself at a juxaposition. I go to groups for co occurring disorders ( bipolar, substance abuse), but lately I find all I realize is that I’m nothing, and will and will always be nothing. At least I was happy on heroin. I don’t know what to do. Quit group, its not the groups fault, I’m just worthless. How do you fix that. Or do I just revert beck to drugs?@heartsupport

Hi Friend, I am so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time right now. Thank you for being brave enough to have the courage to share your thoughts and feelings with us.

it’s completely understandable that you feel unsure of what to do next. I can certainly see why you would think that giving up therapy might be a good idea however you may find in the long run that it is more help than a hindrance so try not to be too hasty on that front.

I think that you and I know that going back to drugs is not the answer but just a moment of madness that will end in more pain and suffering for you and the people around you and lets be real, you deserve better than that. Let the people around you, your friends, your loved ones, your group help to support you…. I am sure they would be happy to if it meant you not reverting backwards.

Finally I want to finish by saying that you and your thoughts and feelings are completely valid, when we struggle it is quite normal to feel a sense of exhaustion, of worthlessness etc, this does not define you, what does define you is who you are and how hard you fight each day to be you and you are an incredible person. I wish you well friend. Much Love. Lisa. x