Is Bad Omens WORTHY of their Viral TikTok Hype!? -- Just Pretend -- Therapist Reacts

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  • Do you find yourself always pretending to be okay?
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So timely I just saw this as you uploaded. This whole album rocks!

I’m struggling with the faking it til you make it thing. I feel like I can’t really express anything at all anywhere unless there’s a catalyst that will enable me, which in this sense is music.

Haven’t been able to listen to song in fully due to a very recent event, but somehow coping thru the other songs in this album, which was a gateway band to me to discovering Sleep Token.

Also LOL @ your giggle in the beginning. Haha.

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So i spoke the chorus of this song to my now ex when we broke up back in janurary and i havent really listened to this song since then.

I cant remember when i started to stop waiting for her and to start livong but hearing this just now brought me back there.

I love seeing my growth!

Yet now i’m starting to miss her. I havent thought about her in so long and this feeling is bittersweet. I did my mourning. I went through all of the text messages and DM’s and photos trying to see whatvi did wrong but all i discovered was that i didnt do anything wrong. I didnt fumble or self sabotage. Learning that was so liberating. I had conditioned myself for so long to believe that i did.

Shoutout therapy, Neville Goddard, and Hermeticism for helping me become stronger and in tune with myself.

To anyone going through it, theres a light at the end of the tunnel. You got this!

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The insight you give is great, but what I appreciate the most is the pure joy on your face when you listen to an amazing song.

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First I love your reaction and that you analyse the lyrics, cause this is the part which makes a song more emotional and relatable.:pray: Second is you NEED to check out the band "CITIZEN SOLDIER":heart:. Because this is one of THE mental-health bands out there. Their songs hit right in the feels even when’s a heavy banger or a sad ballad, cause their lyrics are :broken_heart:. Besides they always have lyric-videos, cause they want that the listener is been heard, especially in their darkest hours, so they show they’re not alone. Requests by this band are: "Monster Made Of Memories":smiling_imp:, "Afterlife":pray:, "Strong For Somebody Else":muscle:t2:, "Fever":fire: (heavy bangers​:metal:t2:). And the other side with "Waiting On The Sun":sunny:, "Reason To Live":raised_hands:, “This Is Your Sign”(;):blue_heart:, "Always December":snowflake: and "Hand Me Down":pensive:. (emotional rollercoasters :pleading_face::broken_heart:). Hope that you’re well and that you give them a chance.:pray:

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Can you react to the new album from Polaris called - FATALISM it is a big mental health album dealing with the loss of their beloved band mate Ryan Lew who passed just recently, there’s a lot of mental help messages in almost every song of the album 10/10 recommend

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Holy crap the song hits completely different on rewatches if you consider the “I don’t want to go” as being from the memories of her, and so the chorus etc is pleading to stick around.

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As soon as the song ended and you broke down the first lyrics I stopped and said “why is she yelling at me!?” :sob: I bury things for every reason you mentioned

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Here from Quebec! I would love to see you react to the song “Trapped” by The Devil Wears Prada. As a person who suffers from panic attacks and generalized anxiety, this song speaks to me a lot and brings me to tears every time.

And sincerely, you make very great videos. Keep it up. We all need our therapy.

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Im taking therapy for anxiety and self-esteem for many aspects in my life and no matter how many times i watch just prettend i’m having a mental breakdown bc i had a tortuous relationship with an ex bf, where i knew he wasnt good for me and i still did it. Now this song was a whiplash to those days and i felt deeply sorry for the past me. Healing is definetily caring :heart:

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This song in video makes me literally cry in grief so much for some reason because I overthink In it resonates with my life so much because I have always pushed my feelings way down because I’ve always been told that I need to be a man in not show weakness or be a pu$$ or dramatic I was never allowed to show emotions growing up

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Yeah I always say I’m good,even if someone catches me crying,then I get mad if they keep asking,so me being sad turns into now I’m pissed off

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Love your reaction to amazing band you say you love this band didn’t see any more reactions to this band songs.

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i think the lyrics is “weighed down, would you say i am worthy”

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The title is so clickbait-y :sweat_smile: but your comments and analysis of the lyrics was great! I want to become a therapist too (music therapist to be exact) and I love Bad Omens too, they’re my favorite band! :heart::black_heart:

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please make videos about bad omens - the hell i overcame

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Most MEN don’t like to show emptions as we dont wanna appear weak specially infront of other women…

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Ok I… Would like to share my own experience of break up which happened last year just in case someone going through hell like I did in 2023 finds this and may find a soothing story here.

First of all I totally agree with what you said in the video. As a person who felt like the clients she supports, I can tell you that eveything here is accurate trust me.
Anyway, in my own experience, I find myself feeling that I am not worthy of anything when I am single. So when I broke up with my gf, my world just crumbled.
The only thing that kept me going at first was to believe that “'Okay, she WILL come back one day, so what I have to do in the meanwhile is to work on myself, so when the time comes she won’t find a desparate heart in pieces, begging for her to come back. She’ll find a man who learned from this experience and came back stronger than ever”.
After some time it was almost like an obsession, so I took some distance with my thoughts and started to repeat to myself that “I have to do this for me first, not her, she is like a bonus, but the objective is myself”. So after that, for many months I continued working on myself, doing sport, reading, learning, started piano and so on… I was still thinking about her A LOT but it wasn’t like back then, now I was focused on being a better person for the world in general, a world in which she now MAY come back one day.

Regularly I found myself thinking that no matter what I can do, if she isn’t there I am not worthy anyway. Dispite everything I worked for these last months, I was still struggling with my own head. But I kept going anyway.
And one day, a girl entered my life. And she made me forget instantly my ex gf. Because she saw that worth in me that I couldn’t see myself.
Today, we are not together, we just met. But since someone else truly recognized me, I feel like no matter if it works out or not, I know that there are people in this world that see me as a good and loving person. So I can finally acknowledge it myself.

So what about the future ? Will my ex gf come back ? Maybe. Will I be the happiest person alive with this girl I met recently ? Maybe. I can not predict the future. All I know is that I will be fine, getting excited for whatever I am waiting for. In the meanwhile, I’ll just continue to spread love as much as I can around me, because this world needs it.
Be a good heart, even when you don’t feel like it. I know it’s hard sometimes. Trust me I know… But it’s so brave to not let the darkness consume you and your personnality. You are a sun. Give light to people around. Shine and you will attract. Just wait for it to happen. Whatever happens.
Take care of you. I’m proud of you.

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I’ve never seen someone come off this song and video with a smile… Respect

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Bro I wish you could be my therapist, I feel like you’d get me bc you like metal! Therapy has never really worked for me :woman_shrugging: music is my therapy

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