I hate surprises

Yes I was just thinking about that :grin: Down fever down!!!


You’re a badass, @Sapphire. Just saying. :sunglasses:



On a semi related note. I have to find me a dermatologist now because one of the doctors came in and smashed the lumps in my arm pits (hurt like hell) to break them up. Later they are like 4 times the size and hurt pretty bad constantly. Then when my surgical team came by to apologize, they said it’s probably HS and by the way you’re not supposed to pop those. x.x


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Omg. I am so sorry this happened. That really should not have happened. I am glad they apologised but that does not make it better.

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I should clarify, the doctor who did it was not from the surgical team. They came in after the damage was already done by another doctor.

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Well props to them for doing so. They are honourable. The one who did it should have apologised but even so I am glad the felt the need to be honest with you even thought it was not their mistake :slightly_smiling_face:

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True. I haven’t actually seen that doctor since. Honestly they’re lucky my husband wasn’t here at the time. I’m half tempted to hit them with malpractice for that. They are also lucky I’m Cherokee and should be able to get referred to a dermatologist through them for free. Hopefully I won’t need to have the absesses cut out. I swear this is the longest handful of months in my entire life.


They are lucky you hadn’t taken their scalp as a compensation :grin:. I hope you health will improve and that the doctors mistake wount effect you much in the future.


Omg I laughed out loud, thanks for that.

I just spoke to today’s nurse and they want me to ice them until I hit my 48 hr fever free mark and see what happens. They did say they won’t keep me just for that though. Which is great because I’m dying to take a shower and sleep in my own bed.


That is really good :heart:. Yeah your shower, your bed, your home will be here soon :wink:


Met with another team of doctors.

Surprise! I probably don’t have HS and was right about lymph nodes since HS would’ve appeared around puberty and wouldn’t be under both arms most likely.

Would be nice if they would make up their mind. Not that it matters because it looks like I actually was right about swollen lymph nodes. And the c-section pain. Turns out I might actually know what I’m talking about, go figure.

But anyway, this is the second team of doctors who have said they will be discharging me today. Looking forward to it.


yay, it’ll be good to get back home and be in your own bed after a shower!
Hope you can get some good rest today!


Update - I’ve been discharged and just got home. Now I just need Kiera to follow suit.


That’s really good. I hope you will be together soon :slightly_smiling_face:


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