I-ve-had-anxiety-my-whole-life-as-well-including-a - 1776

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I’ve had anxiety my whole life as well, including a really bad episode at 27 where I thought I was dying all the time having panic attacks. Pregnancy has also brought on some crazy anxiety attacks— the hormones are so much couple with everything else happening in the world!!

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Yeah - anxiety is a wild beast. Sometimes can take you by complete surprise and totally sideline you. It’s really hard when you’re just trying to do life, and then get blindsided by this crippling episode. On top of pregnancy being its own challenge, not needing the additional pressure/weight/difficulty of anxiety attacks. Sorry you’re facing all of that - feels like “shouldn’t this be hard enough on its own??” Doesn’t feel fair to also have this challenge befall you. Curious how you reset. One of the things I appreciated about my wife while she was pregnant was she practiced recognizing and expressing her limits. It’s hard to feel like your own expectations pull you to do more than you probably should. But that kind of counterbalancing grace and patience can be powerful - “no, I can’t do that.” It could be an interesting reframe to think of the anxiety as your body trying to remind you to take things easy, to be kind to yourself. Either way, I hope you know you’re doing an amazing thing - creating another human is enough work for any day! Bless you as you take on this journey.

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