I'm gonna pretend to be a cis girl online

tyyy :3 I just know that it’ll be kinda awkward tho… and scary! I don’t think I can avoid that tho…

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I gotta be honest I kinda don’t feel motivated to talk to her today…
should I just not speak to her today or just say “hai” or smth-
maybe i’m thinking Abt this too much
oh! I also started a mini Convo when complimenting her hoodie :3
didn’t expect it tbh lol

You can talk whenever you feel comfortable & confident. I know you can do it. Just take your time. I love how you compliment her hoodie

she wasn’t here anyway :P.

It’s okay, life happens! You did the best you can do. I’m super proud of you!

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should I just ask her for her insta?
I don’t want her to take it the wrong way or anything…
I really don’t know what to do :<
i’m also sick today ^^
sometimes I wonder if I’m setting myself up for failure

You can ask for her Instagram account if that’s easier for you to communicate. I hope you are feeling better. It takes baby steps to make friends, you are not failing at all!

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I harm the people I love with no benefit to them.
I am unhealthy to be around…
I have many reasons why.
i’m annoying…
I’m quiet…
i’m not enjoyable to be around…
a lot of people hate me… I don’t blame them! I would hate me too if I were them…
I’m selfish…
i’m negative…
i’m lazy…
I’m a bad person
its hard tio believe me.
my feelings don’t matter.
I will end up hurting u at some point in life… there’s a reason why none of my friendships made it longer then 3 years.
I let people down.
I wanna have great friends… but I know I don’t deserve it.
how do I explain these things??? there’s so much running through my head I cant focus on one topic! I hate myself so much.
i’m unhealthy for people… I harm people more than I do good.
I hate that… I wish someone could be there for me in life.
I have 2 friends… I luckily don’t harm them, thats prob bc I don’t hang around them often… or maybe bc i’m not as confident around them?
I long for some girls to be my friends lol. sounds creepy ik.
I just feel more comfident around them. I can feel myself when i’m around them! I used to have some… they left me for dead tho.
idk how someone can throw someone can just throw away a friendship like that…
it can take one bad day and my subornness to ruin a friendship I cared Abt deeply.
I know she wont ever come back.
she was a real friend tho
I just don’t know why she threw me away like I was a tissue…
idk why I did what I did!
I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from sending that message
now i’m longing for some girls a friends… I hope it isn’t weird lol
I wont keep search anymore. I know that it’ll only harm them. besides, looking for some friends never work… right?

Hi @C_Urchin,

You have 2 friends that support you. I can understand why you have those negative thought s. Don’t let those negative thoughts prevent you loosing or make new friends. Everyone messed up and make mistakes in their friendship. I did have toxic friends in the past but I also messed up too. The best thing option that I did was to learn and improve myself. As I mentioned earlier, it takes time to make friends.

Yesterday, I decided to make new online friends to get over my trauma. I can’t be alone anymore. There were a few online friends that didn’t make effort so I stopped messaging them. I did find one friend who is willing to work with the friendship. It’s not about how many friends but it’s the quality of their friendship. I have one female friend in real life but it’s nice to make a few new buddies with a different perspective.

Your aren’t alone struggling to make new friends. I’m also searching new friends. You are wonderful to be friends with. Just be confident about yourself band people loved to be your buddy.

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I met this one guy recently who gives me hope-
idk why… i just feel good and hopeful when i talk to him for a bit :3 he’s really nice too ^^ when i’m around him i start to believe that i’ll make some great female friends ^^ he would be a great friend too! :3 he is so amazing and can do so many things! lately i’ve really been bonding with him, thanks to my current friend (who is really good friends with him) :3
I want to be as good friends with a girl as my friend is with him >w<
and i kinda believe i will…

Just take your time with making female friends. It will come naturally for you. That’s nice of him supporting you. I’m trying to make new friends too. Today, I was able to have a new friend that is male. Males are easier to make friends than females from my experience. Good luck, making a new female friend! We are both going through the same journey.