Im needing you to hear my story im need someone to

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Bring Me The Horizon - Drown
I’m needing you to hear my story im need someone to talk to and not scream at me when I say something they don’t want to hear what I got to say I’ve listened to a few of your videos and could really use your advice I’ve been crying out for help for 49 years and Im 51 and in asking for you to help me

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Hey friend,

Thank you so much for reaching out here. Please feel absolutely free to share what’s on your heart and story. This is what Heartsupport is all about and we have a loving community here willing to listen to you and encourage you. If you want, you can share here directly in the comments, or you can also post on our anonymous forum at . These are safe options for you to share your voice and be heard as you need.

I feel the heaviness you’ve been carrying on your own shoulders and would love to hear your story. Know that you are not alone and we care about you here. :heart:

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