Lost my friend chancellor when i was 19 leaving be

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From daltonprsn: Lost my friend chancellor when I was 19. Leaving behind a wife and kids. At 29 now 10 years later mental health awareness and my relationship with Jesus christ are so important to me. Bands like convictions, and bloodlines brought me to God and I will forever be grateful


I’m glad you found music that inspires you and spiritual understanding that sustains you.

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Hi Friend :musical_score::notes::star:

I’m truly sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Chancellor, at such a young age. Losing someone close to us is always incredibly difficult, especially when they leave behind a family. It’s evident that this experience has deeply impacted your life.

Your commitment to mental health awareness and your relationship with Jesus Christ is truly inspiring. These are both powerful sources of strength and support in life’s most challenging moments. It’s wonderful to hear that you’ve found solace and guidance through your faith and that music played a role in bringing you closer to God. Music has a unique ability to touch our souls and provide comfort in times of need, and it’s beautiful that it has played such a meaningful role in your spiritual journey.

As you continue to navigate life’s journey, may your faith and awareness of mental health not only help you but also inspire those around you. The importance of supporting one another and nurturing our mental well-being cannot be overstated. Your openness about your own experiences may encourage others to seek help and find their own paths to healing and faith.

Chancellor’s memory lives on in your heart and in the love and support you offer to your family and others. Thank you for sharing your story, and may your relationship with Jesus Christ continue to bring you comfort and strength as you move forward in life.

I hope this is helpful in some way :hugs: