My anxieties are when people have unrealistic expe

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My anxieties are:
when people have unrealistic expectations of me, being in large crowds sends me into severe anxiety & panic attacks. And being around a lot of people for too long I feel like I’m going to pass out and i start crying. I’m extremely introverted. And I have horrible PTSD and Depression.


Thank you for sharing your struggles. I hope that you can find some relief to them, and if you feel the need to let out more. Feel free! <3

It makes completely sense to feel so overwhelmed and panicked because of others presence or expectations. Especdially as you are dealing with PTSD, depression, and that you are simply introverted in social settings. It’s a combination of factors that can really make any social interaction particularly challenging. I personally deal with similar things as you, and for such a long time any interaction would put me in a place of high anxiety and fear. I would anticipate connection with others as something that would ultimately push me out of my comfort zone, which definitely made me wonder at times if I was fit for this world (as interactions seem inevitable). It’s hard when there’s eventually this part of you that longs for connection but there’s this other part that doesn’t know how to do it in a way that would feel safe. It feels as if you can’t win in this equation, as it would become either about feeling an excrutiating amount of distress or facing isolation. There are times when you end up just being absolutely fed up with all of it… and that’s completely normal. It’s truly exhausting when your entire body combat situations that you know are quote and quote “normal”, but also that it just drives you directly into this place of insecurity. My heart goes out to you as you navigate these challenges. This world can appear really tough for people who struggle with anxiety. Know that you are not alone, and you truly deserve all the peace of heart and mind possible. <3