
It’s only 8PM, I have a bunch of work to do still but this numbing feeling started spreading again. I hate it, my body feels like it isn’t mine and I get into a bad mental space. I wanna lay down, but that’s gonna end with me sleeping or crying, neither of which I want to do right now. I can’t explain it, I’ve been told it’s disassociation, but how does that keep happening everyday? I never officially got diagnosed with it, it’s just something my friends picked up on and started believing I have.


Hello Alex08

It definitely is not fun having those feelings. I think as far as what it may, or may not be. A health professional is best to get opinions on for that. Without a lot of context and information it is hard to pinpoint what might be causing you to feel the way you are, and I think someone who’s job it is to figure that stuff out would be good to help find some answers. Have there been any major changes in your life that may have triggered what you are going through, or did it come out of no where?
Hope you feel a bit better soon. <3

Hi @Alex08 !

It does sound like you’re going through something distressing. It’s always hard when you can’t explain what you’re going through.

Has there been a recent event that might make you disassociate? Usually disassociation is triggered by a trauma and if you don’t have any there might be many other explanations to what you’re going through. As Thrice said, it’s best to talk to a professional about this and book an appointment. Any mental health reason that’s causing disassociation is usually very serious and therefore you might not want to let it be under a self-diagnosis, but take the steps to find out what’s up with a trained professional.

In the mean time it’s good to check up with yourself if you’ve remembered to eat, drink water, sleep well or otherwise looked after yourself. There’s also some exercises that can help you to be more connected to the present moment or to break out of feeling numb or disconnected from your feelings. But definitely talk to a professional about it.


Hi there, Alex08.
I hate the descent of emotions and all that comes with it. I am no one with little experience or advice. But sometimes when I start getting down or overwhelmed, getting a drink of water and some quality food helps me. Sometimes my body is trying to tell me it needs something other than the usual junk I supply it with. I hope and wish it is that simple with your situation at least sometimes. I say simple, but really nothing is simple when you’re in that place. Wishing you the best. Feel better soon.

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Hi Alex08,

So sorry to hear about what you’ve been going through. It must be frustrating to feel so disconnected from your body. Is this something that has been happening to you quite consistently or has this recently picked up?
It’s nice to hear that your friends are looking out for you and trying to find answers as to what you may be going through, but I think it’s important to be careful with internalizing diagnoses that don’t have professional backing. If some big change has happened recently then it is normal that adjusting may take a while and the dissociation you feel may be a part of this process. In either case, it’s important to look after yourself and ideally - as others have mentioned - to find a mental health professional to guide you in the right direction. In my experience, I know that this first step helped a lot with at least clarifying just what it was that I was living through, and I hope that it can benefit you as well!! In the meantime, when things get rough, I’d consider your friends as support systems you could turn to. Maybe not for answers, but more so as an outlet to get your feelings out. You don’t have to go through everything alone, either out there or on here, people are there for you <3

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I started getting this numbing feeling about 2 years ago. I was sent to a mental hospital, which replaced my feeling of emptiness with a feeling of numbness.

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I guess I have trauma? I got told by a friend who studies psychology that me forgetting things I do in the class just 5 minutes before is a sort of trauma response. I usually remember things I find funny or random things, but never remember really why they’re funny. I hate checking in with myself, considering how the numb feeling stopped last night and I immediately just started crying.

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I would love doing that, but I do this thing where my body shuts down every once in a while and I just can’t eat because it makes me feel horrible. And thank you for the good wishes

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Hello again, Alex08.
:blue_heart: I’m sorry your body reacts like that sometimes. It sounds like you’re in a “Catch-22” situation, as the saying goes. Try to hold on to hope; it’s an amazing thing. In spite of any given situation, hope somehow keeps a tiny tether to something better up ahead. I hope today is a better day for you. :heart:

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Hi, Thanks for sharing
You should see a doctor about the numbing feeling it might be associated with a bigger health problem or a mental health problem. Go get a proper diagnosis and take the next steps or maybe this issue is linked to a bigger trauma you said that you started getting this numbing feeling 2 years ago did anything happen?

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@beauty4ashes.loved It;s up and down, today I felt horrible but then I ran 2 miles and now I feel better, not great, but a little better
@Alisha_Sheikh A lot happened 2 years ago, but it was more of a build up and then shit went wrong


I can relate a lot to this. I was forced into a not very good in patient setting that was focused on addiction, and not mental health which was my real issue. I was told to a pick a feeling every day, and forced to not move on if I didn’t. I just chose content to get it over with, but I was not feeling anything. It made me feel terrible every day to think that I was being forced to pick a feeling when there wasn’t one there. So something important to me is to let people know it is okay to not be feeling anything, and that you should not feel guilty for it. As for getting to the bottom of it. I still feel a real licensed professional is important, regardless of what your friends are studying.<3

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Hey @ThriceTheThird thank you for that! I really like how much you relate to me, it makes me feel comforted


I can’t help but drift lately. I’m almost never grounded, actually, recently I’ve had to keep a lanyard wrapped around my wrist so that when I need to focus or anything, I can tighten it. I can’t help but get so tired of everything and just lose all energy. I’m struggling just to feel anything, to the point where laughing or smiling can tire me out for the rest of the day. Today during PE I kinda just shut down again, I just couldn’t find the strength to do anything. I struggle to grasp that I’m alive, that I’m real. I have issues telling what’s real and what’s fake, and even then I can never process anything going on.

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I’ve been way to distant lately. My mind is never here. I keep drifting. I keep thinking of how easy it is to pick up a knife and cut. To cut and cut until there’s nothing left to cut. I was thinking and I realized, if I tried to kill myself again, I don’t think I would cry this time. I think I would be fine, kinda relieved. Life isn’t the best, and it won’t change, I know that. But I need to hold on, I need to discover more feelings besides this empty, numb void. I want to know love, I want to be able to love before I die. I want to be able to say “I love you” to someone and mean it.

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That’s what I think about, But it’s kinda like gambling: how do I know if anyone will ever love me? I think I’m to fucked to get help at this point, but I still want to understand those kind of feelings better.

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I’m sorry that you’re feeling that way. The way you are describing it suggests to me that maybe there is something happening with you physically. Perhaps talking to a doctor would be of benefit.

My parents won’t take me to one, so for now I’m just trying to not end up killing myself! Or something like drugs. I don’t know about physically, but I am having a lot of mental issues currently.

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There are no guarantees, but I think the odds are pretty good that you will meet one or more people who would want you in their lives.

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