Thank you i needed this today i wanna feel good en

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2705
:cry: Thank you I needed this today. I wanna feel good enough. I have to tell myself everyday… you are good enough…all those guys you dated before made you feel like you weren’t, your parents made you feel like that, but YOU are good enough! TOO GOOD. We don’t have to get acceptance from other people. Those people don’t deserve you if they make you feel like you aren’t enough!! That’s my issue.


love this mindset you’ve shared! i feel inspired by it personally - thank you for sharing as well as opening up about your story. i’m so proud of you for overcoming those that stood in the way of your truth - the truth that you ARE good enough! hope your week ahead is amazing!

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This is a wonderful message to hear, it can take people a very long time to overcome the hurt from others. It can get so ingrained in us that how we are treated by others reflects our worth, but this message that if others don’t treat us as we deserve then they don’t deserve us is so refreshing to hear!


Hey there, I’m so sorry to hear that people like those you’ve dated and even your parents have made you feel like you weren’t good enough. It’s unfortunate that there are people in this world who seek to make others feel less than, especially those who are close to us and/or are supposed to love us unconditionally. But I think it’s so important and powerful to be able to encourage yourself and tell yourself that you are good enough and that you don’t need others to confirm that. Developing that self-reliance can be incredibly useful and healing, and I hope that it’s been helpful for you. Please know that you’re not alone in this journey, and we’re here for you. Hold fast.

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You have inspired me today! Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we are good enough. Even I do now and then. Keep your head high, you absolutely are good enough.


Way to go with amazing positive self-talk! So hard to ignore the chatter of this world and stay centered on all the good inside. Whatever it is that defines your purpose and passion for each day will radiate out and only build your momentum. Thanks so much for sharing and keep it up.
Looking forward to hearing more from you, warrior!

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Those are great positive affirmations!
It sounds like you’ve had people in your past close to you that made you feel like you wouldn’t measure up, and continuing to believe thoughts like that can be painful and discouraging.
I’m glad you know that the thoughts of not being good enough aren’t factual and that you can take the time to remind yourself of your worth. It might take time to internalize the messages your needing to repeat to yourself, but the more you do, the easier it will be to say and to feel.
I hope that you’ll be able to surround yourself with people that will never make you question your worth.
Keep it up. You’ve got this.

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Absolute words of wisdom that you have right here. Yes, validation comes from within, and no one gets to define you, to define your woth, to define your beauty as a person. When someone hurts you, even though it is important to heal and process the pain they created, the fact that they did not treat you with respect was never a reflection of who you are or of what you deserve. It was the manifestation of their struggles, their limitations, their story - which belongs to them. You my friend have worth and value in this world, and nothing in what someone would say or do would ever change that. It is an untangible truth.

I wish you well on this road towards healing and self-love. It’s a tough one, and repetition may be necessary just as you describe. But you are doing this for you, you are doing good to your heart, and that is so, so important. You mater very much.