HeartSupport_Fans Content #2705

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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What causes you to not feel good enough?? Share in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll reply with encouragement!!

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2 &
@heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4 @heartsupportwall5 @heartsupportwall6

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@jakeo1997 some might say it is not enough or way too much

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JT is one cool mfer.=====

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For me it’s going through cps and seeing moved family to family anytime i thought I’d found a home and that I was loved. When I finally got adopted I thought I was HOME at last, but when I one of their biological kids abused me, they chose to take their side and ignore it. They later went on to cut me off completely a year later leaving me with no support from any family. The ordeal was such a big publicized thing that caused many of my friends to push me away cause they didn’t know how to be there for me. In my adult life, i still have no family and with my mental health being as it is, its very difficult to make friwnds or connect with anyone. Socializing is hard for me and scary because i never know if im giving too much of myself or not enough. It feels that despite my best attempts. Many people seem to grow d8stant or apart from me gradually over time until theyre gone completely. Theyres so mqny people i still reach out to just to say hi and ask how they are but nobody save for maybe two ever reply. Nonetheless, I always leave an update on my life to let them know I’m still breathing and fighting. And I always make sure they know I love them and if they ever reach out for anything, I’ll be there. I love humanity. But it hurts me and saddens me that i cannot bring anyone else to love each other. I’ve given up on my desire foe love for myself. Now, i find the most hurt and sadness and unworthiness in my inability to lead others to love those that they have and those whom they may find. Thank you for this open opportunity to voice and share this.

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:cry: Thank you I needed this today. I wanna feel good enough. I have to tell myself everyday… you are good enough…all those guys you dated before made you feel like you weren’t, your parents made you feel like that, but YOU are good enough! TOO GOOD. We don’t have to get acceptance from other people. Those people don’t deserve you if they make you feel like you aren’t enough!! That’s my issue.

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You’re not alone in this struggle JT!

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