Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica

The subject matter made the song heavy, the guitars just accompany that. :beers:

The Dr’s thought he was brain dead and wanted to use his body to save future soldiers. Any movement they said would just be random nerve movements. Only when he used Morse Code, did they realize he still had brain function. A very heavy film.

I’ve binge watched all these. Loving therapy lessons while listening to my favorite songs. An idea for a future video would be Falling in Reverse The Drug In Me is You reimagined

Heavy Metallica is Fade to Black and Ride the Lightning.

My interpretation of the juxtaposition of the heavier and quieter parts is that it’s supposed to mimic his quasi-wakefulness, with dreams of his childhood shifting into nightmares of the war and back, as his mind races between agony and apathy.

Let’s just casually talk over the most important lyrical part of the song. My dude make notes if you have to but don’t talk when the song is getting into the most important part/s.

This was and is always my biggest fear, that I will be left alive and not able to communicate or kill myself.

Back in the day when I was jumping out of planes and clearing paths we all agreed that if it’s bad enough, you died.

You guys have no idea how many kids in the '80s and '90s worldwide developed anti-war beliefs because of bands like Metallica and Megadeth.

great song! good vid. qwerty next please from mushroomhead. or get into mudvayne md50 please. keep it movin

How about, from can to can’t by sound city?

Great video. Great song.
If I might suggest a title, just like ‘wait and bleed’, a large part of me being 16 years old.
Cradle Of Filth - A Gothic Romance.

Warning, it is very extreme.
I once traumatized my entire classroom, playing it for a school assignment.

Great reaction!! Fade to Black would be another great reaction.

Being trapped under ice physically and mentally… That’s some terrifying stuff there, ladies and gentlemen and everyone listening

The song’s title comes from a line in the book… To paraphrase, the line talks about how the average Joe has a one in a million chance of winning the lottery and all of his problems being solved in good fortune OR a one in a million chance that he gets drafted into a war and ends up in a situation like this. Left with nothing but himself. One. Sure, a one in a million chance are pretty high odds of either thing happening but that ONE still exists.

There’s a live performance of them performing this song on The Howard Stern show and James opens up about the lyrics, about his struggles with mental health during his teenage years which inspired the song. They found the movie for the video and intertwined them beautifully and even bought the copyright for the movie to make the video easier to show.

Look up the Howard Stern clip and listen to James’s story. Gives an entirely new perspective on the song.

Great react, except for when Jake was talking over a critical verse of the song. Ughhhh.
It says “Landmine, has taken my sight, taken speech, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul, left me with life in Hell” Powerful!!

To answer the question about bands using movie clips like this… This was likely the first video on MTV that used movie clips in this context, to push an actual narrative of a story. The band actually purchased the rights to the film specifically to use it this way. People were not into this video at all when it came out. Fans thought Metallica were “selling out” because they had a video on MTV. At the time it was considered a faux pas for a “serious” metal or rock band to have a video on MTV because of all the pop music and glam metal. A few years later, Metallica was considered the biggest band on the planet by a massively wide margin. The did sell out. Show after show after show after show. Still do to present day. I remember political and religious figures also having issues with the video for obvious reasons. People also didn’t “get” the movie clips and complained that it distracted too much from the song. As a result, Metallica released an alternate version that ended up being played more often of just them miming playing the song in the warehouse.

bro literally interrupts during the greatest verse Metallica ever came up with … bro… really?

I have always loved this song but unfortunately the older I get the more I relate to it as I’ve been chronically ill and keep losing more and more of myself every day as I’m trapped in my body. At one point I was bedridden and so weak I could hardly breathe on my own. I couldn’t see straight and was stuck in vertigo spins while in horrible pain.

As I recall in the book at least Johnny doesn’t die at the end. They just keep pumping him full of morphine as he is trapped in his body hallucinating