Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica

“Were bands doing this where they were incorporating an entire movie into the song?”

Metallica is the first metal band to be heavily featured on MTV. MTV was by far the largest platform from which artists would be pushed into the spotlight.

Metallica’s music video was meant to be a music video for MTV to create a TV performance, but of course, since Youtube, everything now has a music video as standard with almost every song.

This is the best metal song of all-time from the best metal band of all-time. There are mixed feelings about the music videos incorporation of dialogue. As I said before, this was never meant to be “the main song” that people would hear as the reference for One forever, but that’s how it turned out since, I said before, music videos are now the main way to listen to music.

I heard this song many times before ever seeing the music video, and it was still very popular and well regarded before the music video.

Johnny get your gun is the movie.

People don’t get it, the guy lost his arms, legs,vision and can’t speak. One is not only one with your thoughts but the human body without arms and legs. Wanting death because there is nothing left and he can’t communicate it to anyone.

I was young when this song came out. Living in the south. Everyone listened to Metallica. Metallica is on my playlist.

There’s a line from The Hunger Games by Donald Sutherland, RIP❤ he said “Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective.“ I’m not mentioning the last line, cause it’s kinda negative.

I didn’t think about this song being about depression and anxiety and a cry for help… now that I heard that, I can relate to this song now… I’m gonna be honest, there is no help. For me… The Sui*ide hotline won’t help. Counseling doesn’t help. Family doesn’t help. I don’t even trust my family. I keep my thoughts inside me, and let it out when no one’s around. I’m gonna be honest, I wish there was a magic pill for me. I’ve felt like this since high school and I’m getting close to being 30. Meds help for a little bit, but the thoughts and wishes never go away. I wish it did though… :broken_heart: there’s people on the other side waiting for me…(hopefully…) and I’m waiting to be with them… I’m sorry…

Metallica bought the rights to the movie so they could make the music video

They were my absolute No.1, but then came Pantera

I feel like this every day,

Love that the dude gets the hypocrisy of Johnny gets his gun and the woman only says “wow”

There was some harder stuff around, but nothing quite as popular. Also a lot of it was no where near as good.

You analyzed your way off point. It doesn’t matter that your pain in one in a million, or trillion , or Graham’s number (look it up). It only matters that in that pain you are “effectively” alone. ONE.

Holy crap, Jake needs ALL the therapy! He looks like either his soul is dead! or he didn’t take the assignment serriously!!!

You missed just a little. you hear pain, not hate you hear desperation. Not one in a million I am one I can’t communicate with the outside world. if I could I wouldn’t know it. the last things you hear him saying are if I could talk, I could scream but no one would hear me. I am one alone in hell. The military guy stopped the nurse from helping him. Metalica did a great job getting that desperation into the music. It still works for anyone going through depression. In fact, I often feel Someone in the band might suffer from depression. or did in the past there are plenty of songs that show this.

This could be any soldier in any war

1000 yeard stare you did it :cry:


I’m probably the empathetic person I am today partially because of Metallica. They wrote music from the perspective of people who were dehumanized at that time, in a way that not a lot of other artists were doing. You should check out Welcome Home (Sanitarium) if you haven’t already

I had a VHS tape in the day called “Two of One” it had both versions of the video. The one with and obviously one without the movie included. I have no idea where it went sadly.

We need a Jeremy reaction if we’re talking about Music + Video making art :blush: