Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica

If you cannot appreciate metal after listening to this song, i dont think you understand music.

11:18 AM

When I was a young proud man
I thought defending our country was Gods plan
I didn’t think to much or cause a commotion
I served my country far across the ocean
I will hold my weapon tight and true
you will not shoot me before I shoot you

Love will cure love will set free
love is the only force to beat the enemy
you can bomb you can shell
you can unleash demons from hell
years gone by and not any change
we fight till tomorrow still hate the same

to honor to serve to do what was right
I didn’t realize it was wrong to fight
love will cure love will set free
love is the only force to beat the enemy
Time passes by I’ve grown a little old
my heart once warm now dark and cold
satin has won and wont let me be
troubled by my past it has a hold on me
I sit alone question and wonder
What life would be if I didn’t soldier

love will cure love will set free
love is the only force to beat the enemy
Now my life is drunk and full of despair
I called out to Jesus to forgive my warfare

love will cure love will set free
Now im starting to feel free from guilt
Because of the new man God has built
I’m not free from sin but better each day
Through Gods word Broken the old mold of clay
His wisdom and love I truly do feel
My heart warming up ,body returning to steel

Love will cure love will set free
build a man a house convert an enemy
love will cure love will set free


You cant compare Metallica to any other band ! Their message and music is top notch !

Metallica actually has a lot of depth in their songs !

We loose 22 vets a day to suicide ! what you see here is just a part of the casualties . Some are still walking with emotional scars that are hard to deal with ! No Metallica was the only one who did this with a message like this . We rocked Metallica all the time in the 90s . even at the Gym it motivated us to push harder . Yes it is art and its “SAD BUT TRUE” ! We joined in the 90s to bring back “ANDJUSTICE FOR ALL” all we got was ptsd and deeper in debt ! While the rich got richer . it is a problem on both sides of the isle as they both have stock in the war machine ! While it is a necessary evil for good men to have weapons . when bad men in charge plot to depopulate by pitting us against each other the only ones who suffer are the middle class and poor ! Wake up people the end is coming fast upon us !

Ok nice video reaction and pin it as Art , true very true is is , when this came out I was 21 and it was very poinient , ask Jake Luhrs he’s a metal musician and not very much of fan of Metallica , I know no one has to be but on another note never knew metal was not all screams lol cute , anyway love your message and reviews , I have battled with depression , PTSD , panic attacks and multi mental health issues since I was early teen and I’m 58 now , still struggle everyday and it’s still a battle

2:12 “Was he on board?” That was the early 20th century. People then didn’t really give a thought to what a patient might want. If hope was given, they’d try to keep a patient alive. The neuroscience wasn’t very strong then.
7:53 It’s STILL so heavy!
12:52 While many people feeling what you’re describing can be observed by those going through those feelings of uniqueness of that condition to see others might have it worse and be helped to push their way back out of their pain. The subject of the song, can’t make that observation. He can only swim in that aloneness and wish for death because he can’t sense anything but that limbo.
As someone who has been injured in a war zone, it sucked. But, I could have been hurt worse, though I was injured pretty seriously. I’ve been fixed and I’m good now. But, I wasn’t in a position to be so isolated, with no way to express my feelings or pain.


The pain is mental pain…

One is about being totally alone. Can’t see, can’t hear, can’t speak.

There’s a bigger picture here … everything that was done to this man was done by other people, some who even told him it was “the right thing to do” (fight for your country … told to him by the closest people in his life … his father), and it was these people who put him on a path that then took everything from him, and that then nobody could fix. But then even worse, after all of that, more people, supposedly also well meaning (the medical establishment) then kept him in this terrible horrifying state, purposely … knowingly … even knowing the terrible pain (or denying it) and knowing there was nothing they could do to fix it. Sometimes, well meaning people cause the most pain of all. They just stood around claiming that he was the “product” of one or the others profession (the war machine vs. the medical profession). Sometimes people get caught up in the grand plans of society, and then fall through the cracks, and unfortunately no one can save them. It’s the hardest thing for well meaning people to admit … that some things really are unfixable … but sometimes it only prolongs pain.

08:07 jesus christ… “he said ‘kill me’” in the video, and the dude is laughing. What gives, ffs?

For the guy’s sake, I hope that the ceremony at the end was his funeral. It was torture, him being alive in the physical state he was in.

The pain that guy feels is purely in the mind. He’s not able to do anything but sit there and exits. He might not feel physical pain, but that’s the least of his problems. That’s just cruel for them to do that to him.

Yeah, I feel like that some times. Pain is a cruel companion.

Metallica is very much an unique presence in metal.

If you look at the progression of music… alt/jazz/blues/hip hop traces more closely back to Gospel and more emotional musical inspirations… Metal has more of its roots in classical. Tight and precise tempos, very complex scale runs, and decisive executions of the keys. It is very interesting.

Observation, the intensity of the song escalates… from the awakening, to the understanding, to the panic, to the anger, to the sorrow. It reminds me of a panic attack… the way we get triggered off of something small, then we get anxious about the trigger… then we worry that we’re anxious, then if others notice, then…etc.

These physical and psychological issues can be helped with medications, but never believe that a pill helps, that it is fixed. It is meant to be a crutch while you learn healthy ways to process and feel… and then… you have to keep letting yourself grow in the right ways.

Lol yea i remeber this coming out in prob 7th- 8th grade. We thought it was the hardest breakdown ever.

At the time, Metallica wasn’t interested in doing videos like everyone else at that time. They just wanted to make the music they wanted to make. “One” was their first music video.

How cruel, to keep this man " alive" !

This song dipicts how brutal war is. The military industrial complex won’t show you this. Fast forward to today where we are sitting here funding endless wars think about this song.